
Programming Example

The following example uses the IDL encoding service features described in the preceding topics. The example verifies that the results of a number of decoding operations are the same as the parameters used to create the corresponding encodings.

The interface definition for this example is as follows:

[uuid(20aac780-5398-11c9-b996-08002b13d56d), version(0)]

interface es_array


const long N = 5000;

typedef struct


byte b;

long l;

} s_t;

typedef struct


byte b;

long a[7];

} t_t;

void in_array_op1([in] handle_t h, [in] long arr[N]);

void out_array_op1([in] handle_t h, [out] long arr[N]);

void array_op2([in] handle_t h, [in,out] s_t big[N]);

void array_op3([in] handle_t h, [in,out] t_t big[N]);


The attribute configuration file for the example is as follows:

interface es_array


[encode] in_array_op1();

[decode] out_array_op1();

[encode, decode] array_op2();

[encode, decode] array_op3();


The test code for the example is as follows:

#include <dce/pthread_exc.h>

#include "rpcexc.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <file.h>

#include <sys/file.h>

#include "es_array.h"


* User state for incremental encode/decode


typedef struct es_state_t {

idl_byte *malloced_addr;

int file_handle;

} es_state_t;

static es_state_t es_state;

#define OUT_BUFF_SIZE 2048

static idl_byte out_buff[OUT_BUFF_SIZE];

static idl_byte *out_data_addr;

static idl_ulong_int out_data_size;


* User allocate routine for incremental encode


void es_allocate(state, buf, size)

idl_void_p_t state;

idl_byte **buf;

idl_ulong_int *size;


idl_byte *malloced_addr;

es_state_t *p_es_state = (es_state_t *)state;

malloced_addr = (idl_byte *)malloc(*size);

p_es_state->malloced_addr = malloced_addr;

*buf = (idl_byte *)(((malloced_addr - (idl_byte *)0) + 7) & (~7));

*size = (*size - (*buf - malloced_addr)) & (~7);



* User write routine for incremental encode


void es_write(state, buf, size)

idl_void_p_t state;

idl_byte *buf;

idl_ulong_int size;


es_state_t *p_es_state = (es_state_t *)state;

write(p_es_state->file_handle, buf, size);




* User read routine for incremental decode


void es_read(state, buf, size)

idl_void_p_t state;

idl_byte **buf;

idl_ulong_int *size;


es_state_t *p_es_state = (es_state_t *)state;

read(p_es_state->file_handle, out_data_addr, out_data_size);

*buf = out_data_addr;

*size = out_data_size;


static ndr_long_int arr[N];

static ndr_long_int out_arr[N];

static s_t sarr[N];

static s_t ref_sarr[N];

static s_t out_sarr[N];

static t_t tarr[N];

static t_t ref_tarr[N];

static t_t out_tarr[N];

static ndr_long_int (*oarr)[M];

#define FIXED_BUFF_STORE (8*N+64)

static idl_byte fixed_buff_area[FIXED_BUFF_STORE];


* Test Program




idl_es_handle_t es_h;

idl_byte *fixed_buff_start;

idl_ulong_int fixed_buff_size, encoding_size;

idl_byte *dyn_buff_start;

error_status_t status;

int i,j;

for (i = 0; i < N; i++)


arr[i] = random()%10000;

sarr[i].b = i & 0x7f;

sarr[i].l = random()%10000;

ref_sarr[i] = sarr[i];

tarr[i].b = i & 0x7f;

for (j = 0; j < 7; j++) tarr[i].a[j] = random()%10000;

ref_tarr[i] = tarr[i];



*Incremental encode/decode


/* Encode data using one operation */

es_state.file_handle = open("es_array_1.dat", \



if (es_state.file_handle < 0)


printf("Can't open es_array_1.dat\n");



idl_es_encode_incremental((idl_void_p_t)&es_state, es_allocate, \


&es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_encode_incremental\n", status);



in_array_op1(es_h, arr);


idl_es_handle_free(&es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_handle_free\n", status);



/* Decode the data using another operation with the same signature */

out_data_addr = (idl_byte *)(((out_buff - (idl_byte *)0) + 7) & (~7));

out_data_size = (OUT_BUFF_SIZE - (out_data_addr - out_buff)) & (~7);

es_state.file_handle = open("es_array_1.dat", O_RDONLY, 0);

if (es_state.file_handle < 0)


printf("Can't open es_array_1.dat for reading\n");



idl_es_decode_incremental((idl_void_p_t)&es_state, es_read,

&es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_decode_incremental\n", status);



out_array_op1(es_h, out_arr);


idl_es_handle_free(&es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_handle_free\n", status);



/* Check the input and output are the same */

for (i = 0; i < N; i++)


if (out_arr[i] != arr[i])


printf("out_arr[%d] - found %d - expecting %d\n",

i, out_arr[i], arr[i]);




* Fixed buffer encode/decode


fixed_buff_start = (idl_byte *)(((fixed_buff_area - \

(idl_byte *)0) + 7)

& (~7));

fixed_buff_size = (FIXED_BUFF_STORE - \

(fixed_buff_start - fixed_buff_area))

& (~7);

idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer(fixed_buff_start, fixed_buff_size,

&encoding_size, &es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_encode_fixed_buffer\n", status);



array_op2(es_h, sarr);

idl_es_handle_free(&es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_handle_free\n", status);



idl_es_decode_buffer(fixed_buff_start, encoding_size, &es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_decode_buffer\n", status);



array_op2(es_h, out_sarr);

idl_es_handle_free(&es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_handle_free\n", status);



for (i = 0; i < N; i++)


if (out_sarr[i].b != ref_sarr[i].b)


printf("array_op2 - out_sarr[%d].b = %c\n", i, out_sarr[i].b);


if (out_sarr[i].l != ref_sarr[i].l)


printf("array_op2 - out_sarr[%d].l = %d\n", i, out_sarr[i].l);




* Dynamic buffer encode - fixed buffer decode


idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer(&dyn_buff_start, &encoding_size, &es_h, \


if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_encode_dyn_buffer\n", status);



array_op3(es_h, tarr);

idl_es_handle_free(&es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_handle_free\n", status);



idl_es_decode_buffer(dyn_buff_start, encoding_size, &es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_decode_buffer\n", status);



array_op3(es_h, out_tarr);

rpc_ss_free (dyn_buff_start);

idl_es_handle_free(&es_h, &status);

if (status != error_status_ok)


printf("Error %08x from idl_es_handle_free\n", status);



for (i = 0; i < N; i++)


if (out_tarr[i].b != ref_tarr[i].b)


printf("array_op3 - out_tarr[%d].b = %c\n", i, out_tarr[i].b);


for (j=0; j<7; j++)


if (out_tarr[i].a[j] != ref_tarr[i].a[j])


printf("array_op3 - out_tarr[%d].a[%d] = %d\n",

i, j, out_tarr[i].a[j]);




printf("Test Complete\n");
