
Examples Using Context Handles

The following examples show a sample IDL file that uses context handles and a sample context rundown procedure file.

Example of an IDL File That Uses a Context Handle


* Filename: context_handle.idl



pointer_default(ref), version (1.0)]

interface files


/* File context handle type */

typedef [context_handle] void * file_handle_t;

/* File specification type */

typedef [string] char * filespec_t;

/* File read buffer type */

typedef [string] char buf_t[*];


* The file_open call requires that the client has located a

* file server interface files and that an RPC handle that is

* bound to that server be passed as the binding parameter h.


* Operation to OPEN a file; returns context handle for that file.


file_handle_t file_open


/* RPC handle bound to file server */

[in] handle_t h,

/* File specification of file to open */

[in] filespec_t fs



* The file_read call is able to use the context handle obtained

* from the file_open as the binding parameter, thus an RPC

* handle is not necessary.


* Operation to read from an opened file; returns true if not

* end-of-file


boolean file_read


/* Context handle of opened file */

[in] file_handle_t fh,

/* Maximum number of characters to read */

[in] long buf_size,

/* Actual number of characters of data read */

[out] long *data_size,

/* Buffer for characters read */

[out, size_is(buf_size), length_is(*data_size)] buf_t buffer


/* Operation to close an opened file */

void file_close


/* Valid file context handle goes [in]. On successful close,

* null is returned.


[in,out] file_handle_t *fh



Example of a Context Rundown Procedure


* fh_rundown.c: A context rundown procedure.


#include <stdio.h>

#include "context_handle.h" /* IDL-generated header file */

void file_handle_t_rundown


file_handle_t file_handle /* Active context handle

* (open file handle) */




* This procedure is called by the RPC runtime on the SERVER

* side when communication is broken between the client and

* server. This gives the server the opportunity to reclaim

* resources identified by the passed context handle. In

* this case, the passed context handle identifies a file,

* and simply closing the file cleans up the state maintained

* by the context handle, that is "runs down" the context handle.

* Note that the file_close manager operation is not used here;

* perhaps it could be, but it is more efficient to use the

* underlying file system call to do the close.


* File handle is void*, it must be cast to FILE*


fclose((FILE *)file_handle);
