
Relative Time Representation

A relative time is a discrete time interval that is usually added to relative time or subtracted from another time. A TDF associated with an absolute time is one example of a relative time. A relative time is normally used as input for commands or system routines.

The following figure shows the full syntax for a relative time.

Full Syntax for a Relative Time

The following example shows a relative time of 21 days, 8 hours, and 30 minutes, 25 seconds with an inaccuracy of 0.300 seconds:


The following example shows a negative relative time of 20.2 seconds with an unspecified inaccuracy (default):


The following example shows a relative time of 10 minutes, 15.1 seconds with an inaccuracy of 4 seconds:


Notice that a relative time does not use the calendar date fields, since these fields concern absolute time. A positive relative time is unsigned; a negative relative time is preceded by a (minus) sign. A relative time is often subtracted from or added to another relative or absolute time. Relative times that DTS uses internally are opaque binary timestamps. The DTS API offers several routines that can be used to calculate new times by use of relative binary timestamps.


Representing Periods of Time

The Data Element Parts