
Calls to Extract Privilege Attribute Information

The EPA API sec_cred_*( ) and login API sec_login_cred_*( ) calls extract privilege attribute information. These calls return information associated with an opaque handle to an authenticated identity.

The sec_cred_*( ) calls are used by servers that have been called by a client with authenticated credentials. The calls and the information they return are as follows:

· sec_cred_get_authz_session_info( )

Returns a client's authorization information

· sec_cred_get_client_princ_name( )

Returns the principal name of the client

· sec_cred_get_deleg_restrictions( )

Returns delegate restrictions

· sec_cred_get_delegate( )

Returns a credential handle to the privilege attributes of a delegate in a delegation chain

· sec_cred_get_delegation_type( )

Returns the delegation type

· sec_cred_get_extended_attrs( )

Returns extended attributes

· sec_cred_get_initiator( )

Returns a credential handle to the privilege attributes of the initiator of a delegation chain

· sec_cred_get_opt_restrictions( )

Returns optional restrictions

· sec_cred_get_pa_data( )

Returns privilege attributes from a credential handle

· sec_cred_get_req_restrictions( )

Returns required restrictions

· sec_cred_get_tgt_restrictions( )

Returns target restrictions

· sec_cred_get_v1_pac( )

Returns pre-Version 1.1 privilege attributes

· sec_cred_is_authenticated( )

Returns TRUE if the caller's privilege attributes are authenticated or FALSE otherwise

The sec_login_cred_*( ) calls are used by clients that are part of a delegation chain. The calls and the information they return are as follows:

· sec_login_cred_get_delegate( )

Returns the privilege attributes of a delegate in a delegation chain.

· sec_login_cred_get_initiator( )

Returns the privilege attributes of the initiator of a delegation chain

The sec_cred_*( ) and sec_login_*( ) calls discussed in this topic return information about authenticated principals associated with an opaque credential handle supplied to the call. Two credential handles are used:

· sec_login_handle_t (returned by a client-side sec_login_get_current_context( ) call)

· rpc_authz_cred_handle_t (returned by a server-side rpc_inq_auth_caller( ) call)

These are handles to all the credentials in a delegation chain. The sec_login_cred_get_initiator( ), sec_login_cred_get_delegate( ), sec_cred_get_initiator( ), and sec_cred_get_delegate( ) calls return a handle of type sec_cred_pa_handle_t, which is a handle to the extended privilege attributes of a particular identity in a delegation chain. The other sec_cred_*( ) and sec_login_*( ) calls discussed in this topic take the sec_cred_pa_handle_t handle and return the requested information for the particular identity.