
Defining an Attribute Trigger/Attribute Association

When an attribute is created with the sec_rgy_attr_update( ) call, you define the association between the attribute type and an attribute trigger by specifying the following:

· Trigger Type

Defines the trigger as a query server (invoked for query operations) or an update server (invoked for updates operations). The trigger type is defined in a sec_attr_trig_type_t data type, which is used by a sec_attr_schema_entry_t data type.

· Trigger Binding

Defines the server binding handle for the attribute trigger. The details of the trigger binding are defined in a number of data types, which are also used by the sec_attr_schema_entry_t data type. Trigger binding is described in detail in Trigger Binding.

Only if both of pieces of information are provided will the association between the attribute type and the attribute trigger be created. You can associate an attribute trigger to any attribute type of any encoding except for attribute sets.


Query Triggers

Update Triggers