
Input File Format

The input file can contain any number of lines. Each line represents a directory entry of an organizational person. Each line must contain the following three attributes for each entry:

<common name> <surname> <phone number>

The attributes must be strings without space characters. Lines containing less than three strings are rejected by the program; any input on a line after the first three strings is ignored and can be used for comments. The attributes are separated by one or more space characters.

The input strings are not verified for their relevant attribute syntax. A wrong attribute syntax will result in either a ds_add_entry( ) error or a ds_remove_entry( ) error.

The following would be a valid input file for thradd:

Anna Meister 010101

Erwin Reiter 020202

Gerhard Schulz 030303

Gottfried Schmid 040404

Heidrun Blum 050505

Hermann Meier 060606

Josefa Fischer 070707

Jutta Arndt 080808

Leopold Huber 090909

Magdalena Schuster 101010

Margot Junge 111111