
GDSP Object Classes

The only additional GDSP object class is DSX_O_SCHEMA (see the following table). It is stored in GDS as an object directly under root. The most important attributes of the DSX_O_SCHEMA object are the three recurring attributes DSX_A_OCT, DSX_A_AT, and DSX_A_SRT. These three objects describe the GDS DIT structure. For a more detailed explanation of the GDSP DSX_O_SCHEMA object, see the OSF DCE GDS Administration Guide and Reference.

Note: The third column of the following table contains the contents octets of the BER encoding of the object identifier in hexadecimal. This object identifier stems from the root {iso(1) identified-organization(3) idc-ecma(0012) member-company(2) siemens-units(1107) sni(1) directory(3) object-class(6)}.

Object Identifier for GDSP Object Classes

Object Identifier BER
Package Attribute Type Hexadecimal