
DME Object Classes

The only additional DME object class is DSX_O_DME_NMO_AGENT (see the following table). This object class has the same structure rules in the default schema as the application entity object class. DSX_O_DME_NMO_AGENT is a subclass of DS_O_APPLIC_ENTITY (inherits the mandatory DS_A_PRESENTATION_ADDRESS and DS_A_COMMON_NAME attributes) and contains one attribute, DSX_A_ALTERNATE_ADDRESS.

Note: The second column of the following table contains the contents octets of the BER encoding of the object identifier in hexadecimal. This object identifier stems from the root {iso(1) identified-organization(3) osf(0022) dme(2) components(1) nmo(2) dmeNmoObjectClass(2)}.

Object Identifier for DME Object Class

Attribute Type
Object Identifier BER Hexadecimal
DSX_O_DME_NMO_AGENT \x2B\x16\x02\x01\x02\x02\x01