
XOM Data Types

The data types of the XOM service interface are defined in this topic and listed in the following table. These data types are repeated in the XOM reference pages (see xom.h(4xom) ).

XOM Service Interface Data Types

Data Type Description
OM_boolean Type definition for a Boolean data value.
OM_descriptor Type definition for describing an attribute type and value.
OM_enumeration Type definition for an Enumerated data value.
OM_exclusions Type definition for the exclusions parameter for om_get( ).
OM_integer Type definition for an Integer data value.
OM_modification Type definition for the modification parameter for om_put( ).
OM_object Type definition for a handle to either a private or a public object.
OM_object_identifier Type definition for an object identifier data value.
OM_private_object Type definition for a handle to an object in an implementation-defined, or private, representation.
OM_public_object Type definition for a defined representation of an object that can be directly interrogated by a programmer.
OM_return_code Type definition for a value returned from all OM functions, indicating either that the function succeeded or why it failed.
OM_string Type definition for a data value of one of the String syntaxes.
OM_syntax Type definition for identifying a syntax type.
OM_type Type definition for identifying an OM attribute type.
OM_type_list Type definition for enumerating a sequence of OM attribute types.
OM_value Type definition for representing any data value.
OM_value_length Type definition for indicating the number of bits, octets, or characters in a string.
OM_value_position Type definition for designating a particular location within a String data value.
OM_workspace Type definition for identifying an application-specific API that implements OM, such as directory or message handling.
Some data types are defined in terms of the following intermediate data types, whose precise definitions in C are defined by the system:

· OM_sint

The positive and negative integers that can be represented in 16 bits

· OM_sint16

The positive and negative integers that can be represented in 16 bits

· OM_sint32

The positive and negative integers that can be represented in 32 bits

· OM_uint

The nonnegative integers that can be represented in 16 bits

· OM_uint16

The nonnegative integers that can be represented in 16 bits

· OM_uint32

The nonnegative integers that can be represented in 32 bits

Note: The OM_sint and OM_uint data types are defined by the range of integers they must accommodate. As typically declared in the C interface, they are defined by the range of integers permitted by the host machine's word size. The latter range, however, always encompasses the former.

The type definitions for these data types are as follows:

typedef int OM_sint;

typedef short OM_sint16;

typedef long int OM_sint32;

typedef unsigned OM_uint;

typedef unsigned short OM_uint16;

typedef long unsigned OM_uint32;



















