

1. A data structure that implements some feature and has an associated set of operations.

2. RPC: For RPC applications, an object can be anything that an RPC server defines and identifies to its clients (using an object UUID). Often, an RPC object is a physical computing resource such as a database, directory, device, or processor. Alternatively, an RPC object can be an abstraction that is meaningful to an application, such as a service or the location of a server. See also object UUID.

3. XDS: Anything in some "world," generally the world of telecommunications and information processing or some part thereof, that is identifiable (can be named) and for which the DIB contains some information.

4. XOM: Any of the complex information objects created, examined, modified, or destroyed by means of the interface.

5. DFS: A file or directory in a file system. Directories can be further classified as container objects.