
The DCE Messaging Routines

The messaging routines are as follows, listed in alphabetical order:

dce_error_inq_text( )
Retrieves from the installed DCE component message catalogs the message text associated with an error status code returned by a DCE library routine.

dce_fprintf( )
Functions much like dce_printf( ), except that it prints the message and its arguments on the specified stream.

dce_msg_cat_close( )
Closes the message catalog (which was opened with dce_msg_cat_open( )).

dce_msg_cat_get_msg( )
Retrieves the text for a specified message.

dce_msg_cat_open( )
Opens the message catalog that contains the specified message, and returns a handle that can be used in subsequent calls to dce_msg_cat_get_msg( ).

dce_msg_define_msg_table( )
Registers an in-memory table containing the messages.

dce_msg_get( )
Retrieves the text for a specified message. A convenience form of the dce_msg_get_msg( ) routine.

dce_msg_get_cat_msg( )
A "convenience" form of the dce_msg_cat_get_msg( ) routine. Unlike dce_msg_cat_get_msg( ), dce_msg_get_cat_msg( ) does not require the message catalog to be explicitly opened.

dce_msg_get_default_msg( )
Retrieves a message from the application's in-memory tables.

dce_msg_get_msg( )
Retrieves the text for a specified message.

dce_msg_translate_table( )
The dce_msg_translate_table( ) routine overwrites the specified in-memory message table with the values from the equivalent message catalogs.

dce_pgm_fprintf( )
Equivalent to dce_fprintf( ), except that it prepends the program name and appends a newline.

dce_pgm_printf( )
Equivalent to dce_printf( ), except that it prepends the program name and appends a newline.

dce_pgm_sprintf( )
Equivalent to dce_sprintf( ), except that it prepends the program name and appends a newline.

dce_printf( )
Retrieves the message text associated with the specified message ID, and prints the message and its arguments on the standard output.

dce_sprintf( )
Retrieves the message text associated with the specified message ID, and prints the message and its arguments into an allocated string that is returned.