
The DCE Serviceability Routines

The serviceability routines are as follows, listed in alphabetical order:

dce_assert( )
Adds runtime can't happen assertions to programs (such as, programming errors).

dce_svc_components( )
Returns an array containing the names of all components in the program that have been registered with the dce_svc_register() routine.

dce_svc_debug_routing( )
Specifies both the level of an application's serviceability debug messaging, and where the messages are routed.

dce_svc_debug_set_levels( )
Sets serviceability debugging message level(s) for a component.

dce_svc_define_filter( )
Lets applications define serviceability filtering routines.

dce_svc_filter( )
Controls the behavior of the serviceability message filtering routine, if one exists.

dce_svc_log_close( )
Closes an open binary format serviceability log and releases all internal state associated with the handle.

dce_svc_log_get( )
Reads the next entry from a binary format serviceability log.

dce_svc_log_open( )
Opens the specified file for reading.

dce_svc_log_rewind( )
Rewinds the current reading position of the specified (by handle) log file to the first record.

dce_svc_printf( )
Provides the normal call for writing or displaying serviceability messages.

dce_svc_register( )
Registers a serviceability handle and sub-component table.

dce_svc_routing( )
Specifies how normal (non-debug) serviceability messages are routed.

dce_svc_set_progname( )
If not called, the application's generated serviceability messages will be identified by its process ID.

dce_svc_table( )
Returns the serviceability subcomponent table registered with the specified component.

dce_svc_unregister( )
Destroys a serviceability handle, releasing all allocated resources associated with the handle.