Converts a tm structure that expresses relative time to a relative binary timestamp
#include <dce/utc.h> int utc_mkreltime( utc_t *utc, struct tm *timetm,
long tns, struct tm *inacctm, long ins);
timetm A tm structure that expresses a relative time. On input, tm_wday and tm_yday are ignored; the value of tm_isdst should be 1.
tns Nanoseconds since the Time component.
inacctm A tm structure that expresses seconds of inaccuracy. If a null pointer is passed, or if tm_yday is negative, the inaccuracy is considered to be
unspecified. On input, tm_mday, tm_mon, tm_year, tm_wday, tm_isdst, and tm_zone are ignored.
ins Nanoseconds of the inaccuracy component.
utc Resulting relative binary timestamp.
Description The utc_mkreltime( ) routine converts a tm structure that expresses relative time to a relative binary timestamp. Additional inputs include
nanoseconds since the last second of Time, and nanoseconds of inaccuracy.
Return Values ~0 Indicates that the routine executed successfully.
1 Indicates an invalid time argument or invalid results.
Examples The following example converts the relative time: 125-03:12:30.1I120.25 to a relative binary timestamp.
utc_t utc; struct tm tmtime,tminacc; long tnsec,insec; /* Fill in the fields */ memset((void
*)&tmtime,0,sizeof(tmtime)); tmtime.tm_mday = 125; tmtime.tm_hour = 3; tmtime.tm_min = 12; tmtime.tm_sec = 30;
tnsec = 100000000; /* .1 * 1.0E9 */ memset((void *)&tminacc,0,sizeof(tminacc)); tminacc.tm_sec = 120; tnsec = 250000000; /* .25 * 1.0E9 */
/* Convert to a relative binary timestamp... */ utc_mkreltime(&utc, /* Out: Resultant relative binary timestamp */ &tmtime,
/* In: tm struct that represents input */ tnsec, /* In: Nanoseconds from input */ &tminacc, /* In: tm struct that
represents inacc */ insec); /* In: Nanoseconds from input */