Data Types
sec_passwd_type_t An enumerated set describing the currently supported key types. The possible values are:
sec_passwd_none Indicates no key types are supported.
sec_passwd_plain Indicates that the key is a printable string of data.
sec_passwd_des Indicates that the key is DES encrypted data.
sec_passwd_privkey Indicates that the key is a private or public key of a public key pair used in public key authentication.
sec_passwd_genprivkey Indicates the modulus bit size of the private key to be generated for a public key pair used in public key authentication.
sec_passwd_rec_t A structure containing any of the following: a plaintext password, a preencrypted buffer of password data, a public-key-pair generation request, or a public or
private key. The sec_passwd_rec_t structure consists of three components:
version_number The version number of the password.
pepper A character string combined with the password before an encryption key is derived from the password.
key A structure consists of the following components: key_type The key type can be the following:
sec_passwd_plain Indicates that a printable string of data is stored in plain. sec_passwd_des Indicates that an
array of data is stored in des_key. sec_passwd_privkey Indicates that X.509 ASN.1 DER-encoded data is stored in priv_key.
sec_passwd_genprivkey Indicates that unsigned 32-bit data is stored in modulus_size. tagged_union A structure
specifying the password. The value of the structure depends on key_type. If key_type is sec_passwd_plain, structure contains plain, a
character string. If key_type is sec_passwd_des, the structure contains des_key, a DES key of type sec_passwd_des_key_t.
If key_type is sec_passwd_privkey, the structure contains priv_key, a public or private key of type sec_pk_data_t. If
key_type is sec_passwd_genprivkey, the structure contains modulus_size, unsigned 32-bit data.
sec_passwd_version_t An unsigned 32-bit integer that defines the password version number. You can supply a version number or a 0 for no version number. If you supply the
constant sec_passwd_c_version_none, the Security service supplies a system-generated version number.
sec_key_mgmt_authn_service A 32-bit unsigned integer whose purpose is to indicate the authentication service in use, since a server may have different keys for different levels
of security. The possible values of this data type and their meanings are as follows:
rpc_c_authn_none No authentication.
rpc_c_authn_dce_private DCE private key authentication (an implementation of the Kerberos system).
rpc_c_authn_dce_public DCE public key authentication (reserved for future use).