
Object Identifier Sets

The gss_OID_set data type represents one or more object identifiers. The values of the gss_OID_set data type are used to:

· Report the available mechanisms supported by GSSAPI

· Request specific mechanisms

· Indicate which mechanisms a credential supports

The gss_OID_set data type has the following structure:

typedef struct gss_OID_set_desc_struct {
int count
gss_OID elements
} gss_OID_set_desc, *gss_OID_set;

The count field contains the number of OIDs in the set. The elements field is a pointer to an array of gss_oid_desc objects, each describing a single OID. The application calls the gss_release_oid_set( ) routine to deallocate storage associated with the gss_OID_set values that the GSSAPI routines return to the application.