Returns the client's permissions corresponding to an ACL
#include <dce/dce.h> #include <dce/aclif.h> void dce_acl_inq_client_permset( handle_t
handle, uuid_t *mgr_type, uuid_t *acl_uuid, sec_acl_permset_t *permset,
error_status_t *status);
handle The remote procedure call binding handle.
mgr_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound to
the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them.
acl_uuid A pointer to the UUID of the ACL.
owner_id Identifies the owner of the object that is protected by the specified ACL. If the sec_acl_e_type_user_obj ACLE (ACL entry) exists, then the owner_id
(uuid_t pointer) cannot be NULL. If it is, then the error sec_acl_expected_user_obj is returned.
group_id Identifies the group to which the object that is protected by the specified ACL belongs. If the sec_acl_e_type_group_obj ACLE exists, the group_id
(uuid_t pointer) cannot be NULL. If it is, the error sec_acl_expected_group_obj is returned.
permset The set of permissions allowed to the client.
status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error.
Description The dce_acl_inq_client_permset( ) routine returns the client's permissions that correspond to the ACL. It finds the ACL in the database as defined for this
ACL manager type with dce_acl_register_object_type( ). The client's credentials are determined from the binding handle. The ACL and credentials determine the permission set.
The following describes a partial list of errors that might be returned. Refer to the OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide for complete descriptions of all error messages.
acl_s_bad_manager_type The mgr_type parameter does not match the manager type in the ACL itself.
error_status_ok The call was successful.
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