Tests access to an object on behalf of another process
#include <dce/rdaclif.h> boolean rdacl_test_access_on_behalf( handle_t h, sec_acl_component_name_t
component_name, uuid_t *manager_type, sec_id_pac_t *subject, sec_acl_permset_t
desired_permset, error_status_t *status);
h A handle referring to the target object.
component_name A character string containing the name of the target object.
manager_type A pointer to the UUID identifying the type of the ACL manager in question. There may be more than one type of ACL manager protecting the object whose ACL is bound
to the input handle. Use this parameter to distinguish them. Use sec_acl_get_manager_types( ) to acquire a list of the manager types protecting a given object.
subject A Privilege Attribute Certificate (PAC) for the subject process. The PAC contains the name and UUID of the principal and parent cell of the subject process, as well as
a list of any groups to which it belongs. The PAC also contains a flag (named authenticated). When set, it indicates that the certificate was obtained from an authenticated source. When
not set, the certificate must not be trusted. (The field is FALSE when it was obtained from the rpc_auth layer and the protect level was set to rpc_c_protect_level_none.
This indicates that no authentication protocol was actually used in the remote procedure call; the identity was simply transmitted from the caller to the callee. If an authentication protocol was
used, then the flag is set to TRUE.) A server uses rpc_binding_inq_auth_client( ) to acquire a certificate for the client process.
desired_permset A permission set in sec_acl_permset_t form containing the desired privileges. This is a 32-bit set of permission flags supported by the manager type.
status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error.
Description The rdacl_test_access_on_behalf( ) routine determines if the specified ACL contains entries granting privileges to the subject, a process besides the
calling process, matching those in desired_permset. This routine succeeds only if the access is available to both the caller process as well as the subject identified in the call. An
application will generally only inquire after the minimum set of privileges needed to accomplish a specific task.
Notes This call is not intended to be used by application programs. The sec_acl Application Programming Interface (API) provides all the functionality necessary to use
the ACL facility. This reference page is provided for programmers who wish to write an ACL manager. In order to write an ACL manager, a programmer must implement the entire rdacl interface.
This network interface is called on the client side via the sec_acl local interface. Developers are responsible for implementing the server side of this interface. Test server code is
included as a sample implementation.
/usr/include/dce/rdaclif.idl The idl file from which dce/rdaclif.h was derived.
The following describes a partial list of errors that might be returned. Refer to the OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide for complete descriptions of all error messages.
sec_acl_unknown_manager_type The manager type selected is not an available option.
error_status_ok The call was successful.
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