

Deletes specified attributes for a specified object


#include <dce/sec_rgy_attr.h>

void sec_rgy_attr_delete (
sec_rgy_handle_t context,
sec_rgy_domain_t name_domain,
sec_rgy_name_t name,
unsigned32 num_to_delete,
sec_attr_t attrs[ ],
signed32 *failure_index,
error_status_t *status);



An opaque handle bound to a registry server. Use sec_rgy_site_open( ) to acquire a bound handle.

A value of type sec_rgy_domain_t that identifies the registry domain in which the object identified by name resides. The valid values are as follows:

The name identifies a principal.

The name identifies a group.

The name identifies an organization.

This parameter is ignored if name is policy or replist.

A character string of type sec_rgy_name_t specifying the name of the person, group, or organization to which the attributes are attached.

A 32-bit integer that specifies the number of elements in the attrs[ ] array. This integer must be greater than 0.

attrs[ ]
An array of values of type sec_attr_t that specifies the attribute instances to be deleted. The size of the array is determined by num_to_delete.


In the event of an error, failure_index is a pointer to the element in the in_attrs[ ] array that caused the update to fail. If the failure cannot be attributed to a specific attribute, the value of failure_index is 1.

A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error.

The sec_rgy_attr_delete( ) routine deletes attributes. This is an atomic operation: if the deletion of any attribute in the attrs[] array fails, all deletions are aborted. The attribute causing the delete to fail is identified in failure_index. If the failure cannot be attributed to a given attribute, failure_index contains 1.

The attrs array, which specifies the attributes to be deleted, contains values of type sec_attr_t These values consist of:

· attr_id, a UUID that identifies the attribute type

· attr_value, values of sec_attr_value_t that specify the attribute's encoding type and values.

To delete attributes that are not multivalued and to delete all instances of a multivalued attribute, an attribute UUID is all that is required. For these attribute instances, supply the attribute UUID in the input array and set the attribute encoding (in sec_attr_encoding_t) to sec_attr_enc_void.

To delete a specific instance of a multivalued attribute, supply the UUID and value that uniquely identify the multivalued attribute instance in the input array.

Note that if the deletion of any attribute instance in the array fails, all fail. However, to help pinpoint the cause of the failure, the call identifies the first attribute whose deletion failed in a failure index by array element number.

Permissions Required
The sec_rgy_attr_delete( ) routine requires the delete permission set for each attribute type identified in the attrs[] array. These permissions are defined as part of the ACL manager set in the schema entry for the attribute type.


The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr.h was derived.


The following describes a partial list of errors that might be returned. Refer to the OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide for complete descriptions of all error messages.


database read only

server unavailable

invalid/unsupported attribute type

site read only


Related Information

