

Builds a DCE character and code set registry on a host


csrc [-i source_filename] [-m intermediate_cs_list] [-o destination_filename]


-i source_filename
Reads code set values from the source file you specify rather than from the default code set registry source file /usr/lib/nls/csr/code_set_registry.txt

-m intermediate_cs_list
Adds code set names to the code set registry file's intermediate code set priority list.

-o destination_filename
Places the generated code set registry file in the location you specify rather than in the default location /usr/lib/nls/csr/code_set_registry.db

The code set registry compiler csrc creates a character and code set registry file from the information supplied in a character and code set registry source file.

A code set registry source file is composed of a series of code set records. Each record describes, in human-readable form, the mapping between an OSF-registered or (optionally) a user-defined unique code set value and the character string that a given operating system uses when referring to that code set (called the local code set name).

A code set registry file is the binary version of the source file; the DCE RPC routines for character and code set interoperability use the file to obtain a client's or a server's supported code sets and to translate between operating system-dependent names for code sets and the unique identifiers assigned to them. A code set registry file must exist on each host in an internationalized DCE cell (a DCE cell that supports applications that use the DCE RPC character and code set interoperability features).


Creating the Source File

Generating the Code Set Registry File

Adding Intermediate Code Sets





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