Error Handling
All dcecp operations return either a list of some information or an empty string on success. If an error occurs, dcecp returns an error message. The DCE control
program also provides a catch command to help scripts catch errors and invoke error handlers.
The DCE control program provides two global variables that store error information returned from commands. The errorInfo variable contains the stack-trace of the error messages.
When errors occur dcecp commands return one line error messages by default. If the variable dcecp_verbose_errors is set to 1, then a stack trace as it would appear in
errorInfo is output as well.
When a dcecp command argument is a list of objects, the command operates on multiple objects. These operations are usually performed iteratively. If an error occurs, the command aborts at
the time of error, producing an exception. Some operations will have finished and others will not have. These operations are always performed in the order listed, and the error message should make
it clear on which object the command failed.
Refer to the OSF DCE Problem Determination Guide for complete descriptions of all error messages.