

A dcecp object that manages a name service directory


directory add directory_name_list -member child_pointer_list
-clearinghouse clearinghouse_name

directory create directory_name_list
[-attribute attribute_list [-single]]
[[-replica -clearinghouse clearinghouse_name] |
[-clearinghouse clearinghouse_name]]

directory delete directory_name_list
[[-tree] | [-replica -clearinghouse clearinghouse_name]] [-force]

directory help [operation | -verbose]

directory list directory_name_list [-directories] [-objects]
[-links] [-simplename | -fullname]

directory merge source_directory_name
-into destination_directory_name
[-clearinghouse clearinghouse_name] [-tree] [-nocheck]

directory modify directory_name_list
{[[-add attribute_list] [-single]]
-remove attribute_list [-types attribute_type_list]]
[-change attribute_list]}
{-master clearinghouse_name [-readonly clearinghouse_name_list]
[-exclude clearinghouse_name_list]}

directory operations

directory remove directory_name_list -member child_pointer_list

directory show directory_name_list [-member child_pointer_list |
-replica -clearinghouse clearinghouse_name] [-schema]

directory synchronize directory_name_list


A list of one or more specific directory names to be operated on.

The name of the directory operation for which to display help information

The name of one specific directory whose contents are to be copied into a destination directory using a directory merge operation.

The directory object represents CDS directories. CDS directories are containers for other objects, links, and other directories (as well as clearinghouses). Any item that resides in a directory is called a child of that directory. Directories also contain attributes that may be viewed or modified.

This object also represents CDS replicas. Replicas are read-only copies of directories stored in other clearinghouses. Several of the supported operations take options to indicate that the command is to operate on a specific replica.

If the _s(cds) convenience variable is set, it is treated as the name of a clearinghouse to contact for this operation. This is the only clearinghouse that will be contacted in an attempt to complete the operation. These commands do not set the value of this variable after completion. If a -clearinghouse option is used, then it overrides the value of _s(cds) but the command does not change the setting of _s(cds).





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