Synchronization Attributes
name The name of the replica. It is in the form of a fully qualified CDS name.
type Indicates if the replica is a master or a slave.
cell The name of the cell that the replica is in. It is a fully qualified cell name.
uuid The UUID of the replica.
status The state of the replica, one of:
becomingmaster The replica is in the process of becoming a master.
becomingslave The replica is a master in the process of becoming a slave.
changingkey The replica is in the process of having its master key changed.
closed The replica is in the process of stopping.
copyingdb The replica is in the process of initializing (copying its database to) another replica.
deleted The replica is in the process of deleting itself.
disabled The replica is unavailable for updates but will accept queries.
dupmaster Two masters have been found in the cell, and the replica is a duplicate of the real master.
enabled The replica is available for use.
initializing the replica is in the process of being initialized by the master replica or another up-to-date replica.
savingdb The replica is in the process of saving its database to disk.
unavailable The replica cannot be reached.
uninitialized The database is a stub database that has not been initialized by the master replica or another up-to-date replica.
unknown The replica is not known to the master.
lastupdtime The localized date and time the replica was last updated.
lastupdseq The sequence number of the last update the replica received. A sequence number is a consists of two 32-bit integers separated by a dot (high.low). The high
integer increments when the low integer wraps. An example of this attribute is {lastupdseq 0.178}.
addresses A list of the network addresses of the replica. Can be more than one for connectionless and connection-oriented protocols for example.
masteraddrs The network address of the master registry replica of the cell. This is what the replica believes, it is not necessarily correct. Can be more than one for
connectionless and connection-oriented protocols, for example.
masterseqnum The master sequence number, which is the sequence number of the event that made the replica the master. This is what the replica believes, it is not necessarily
correct. A sequence number is a consists of two 32-bit integers separated by a dot (high.low). The high integer increments when the low integer wraps. An example of this attribute is
{masterseqnum 0.100}.
masteruuid The UUID of the master replica. This is what the replica believes, it is not necessarily correct. The value is a UUID.
supportversions DCE registry version supported by the security service. Possible values at DCE Version 1.1 are secd.dce.1.0.2 (for DCE Version 1.0.2 and DCE Version
1.0.2) and secd.dce.1.1. both versions may be supported (that is by a DCE Version 1.1 security server running in a cell with DCE Version 1.0.3 replicas).
updseqqueue A list of two update sequence numbers that are still in the propagation queue and have yet to be propagated. The first number is the base propagation sequence
number (the last number known to have been received by all replicas). The second number is the sequence number of the last update made on the master. This attribute is only present in the master
replica. The sequence numbers consist of two 32-bit integers separated by a dot (high.low). The high integer increments when the low integer wraps. An example of this attribute is
{updseqqueue {0.100 0.178}}.