xattrschema create
Creates a new schema entry for an ERA. The syntax is:
xattrschema create schema_entry_name_list {-attribute attribute_list | attribute value}
-attribute_value As an alternative to using the -attribute option with an attribute list, you can change individual attribute options by prepending a hyphen (-) to any
attributes listed in the Attributes topic of this reference page.
-attribute attribute_list Allows you to specify attributes using an attribute list rather than using the -attribute value option. The format of an attribute
list is:
{{attribute value}...{attribute value}}
Description The xattrschema create operation creates a new schema entry for an ERA. The argument is a list of one or more names of schema entries to be
created. Attributes for the created schema entry types can be specified via attribute lists or attribute options. If the command argument contains more than one schema name, you cannot specify a
UUID attribute. All attributes are applied to all entry types to be created. This operation returns an empty string on success.
Privileges Required You must have i (insert) permission to the container object (/.:/sec/xattrschema or
dcecp> xattrschema create /.:/sec/xattrschema/test_integer \ > -encoding integer -aclmgr {group r r r r} dcecp>