
xattrschema modify

This operation is used to change attributes of schema entries. The syntax is:

xattrschema modify schema_entry_name_list
{-change attribute_list | attribute value}


As an alternative to using the -attribute option with an attribute list, you can change individual attribute options by prepending a hyphen (-) to any attributes listed in the Attributes topic of this reference page.

-attribute attribute_list
Allows you to specify attributes using an attribute list rather than using individual attribute options. The format of an attribute list is:

{{attribute value}...{attribute value}}

See Attributes for descriptions of the attributes.

The xattrschema modify operation changes attributes of schema entries in the security service only. The argument is a list of names of schema entries to be operated on. All modifications are applied to all schema entries named in the argument. Schema entries are modified in the order they are listed and all modifications to an individual schema entry are atomic. Modifications to multiple schema entries are not atomic. A failure for any one schema entry in a list causes an error to be generated and the rest of the operation to be aborted. Returns an empty string on success.

The -change option can be used to modify the value of any one of the attributes that are modifiable. Its value is an attribute list that describes the new values for the specified attributes. The command supports attribute options as well.

Privileges Required
You must have m (mgmt_info) permission to the container object /.:/sec/xattrschema.


dcecp> xattrschema modify /.:/sec/xattrschema/test_integer \
> -aclmgr {organization r r r r}