Modifies characteristics for the DTS entity.
dtscp set characteristic
characteristic The name and value of one or more characteristics to be modified. Valid values for characteristic are described in the following list. These values are
described in more detail in the Description topic.
Description The set command modifies the characteristics you specify for the DTS entity. The modifiable characteristics and their values are described in the following list.
check interval [relative-time] Specifies the amount of time between checks for faulty servers. Applicable only for servers that have external time providers.
Default: 0-01:30:00.000 Value: 0-00:00:30.000 10675199-02:48:05.000
courier role [role] Specifies a server's interaction with the set of global servers.
Default: backup courier
The following values are valid:
backup courier The local server becomes a courier if none are available on the LAN.
courier The local server synchronizes with the global set of servers.
noncourier The local server does not synchronize with the global set of servers.
error tolerance [relative-time] Specifies the maximum separation allowed between the local clock and the computed time before synchronization becomes abrupt rather
than gradual (monotonic).
Default: 0-00:10:00.000 Value: 0-00:00:00.500 10675199-02:48:05.000
global set timeout [relative-time] Specifies the amount of time the node waits for a response to a global synchronization request before sending another request or
declaring a global server to be unavailable. The number of attempts made to reach the server is controlled by the query attempts characteristic.
Default: 0-00:00:15.000 Value: 0-00:00:00.000 0-00:10:00.000
local set timeout [relative-time] Specifies the amount of time the node waits for a response to a local synchronization request before sending another request or
declaring a server to be unavailable. The number of attempts made to reach the server is controlled by the query attempts characteristic.
Note that the local set timeout value controls only the initial contact with a time provider. During this initial contact, the time provider itself determines the timeout value for
actually reporting back times. This allows a time provider attached to a slow source like a modem to request that dtsd wait for a longer interval.
Default: 0-00:00:05.000 Value: 0-00:00:00.000 0-00:01:00.000
maximum inaccuracy [relative-time] Specifies the inaccuracy limit for the node. When the node exceeds the maximum inaccuracy setting, it attempts to synchronize.
Default: 0-00:00:00.100 Value: 0-00:00:00.000 - 10675199-02:48:05.000
query attempts [integer] Specifies the number of attempts that a node makes to contact a server before the node considers the server unavailable.
Default: 3 Value: 110
server entry name [name] Specifies a server's CDS entry name; name represents the name of the system or node that is the server's client. The default
setting is the recommended value.
Default: /.:/hosts/hostname/dts-entity
server group name [name] Specifies the name of the security group that DTS uses for authentication checks. DTS clerks and servers do not accept time values from DTS
servers that are not included in this group.
server principal name [name] Specifies a server's principal name for authentication purposes; name represents the name of the system or node that is the
server's client. The default setting is the recommended value.
Default: /.:/hosts/hostname/self
servers required [integer] Specifies the minimum number of servers required for synchronization. Settings of 1 or 2 may cause unreliable computed times.
Default: 1 (clerks) 3 (servers) Value: 110
synchronization hold down [relative-time] Specifies the interval a node must wait to synchronize. Also specifies synchronization frequency when a node reaches the
value specified by the maximum inaccuracy characteristic.
Clerks: Default: 0-00:10:00.000 Value: 0-00:00:30.000 01-00:00:00.000
Servers: Default: 0-00:02:00.000 Value: 0-00:00:30.000 01-00:00:00.000
Privileges Required You must have w (write) permission on the ACL associated with the DTS entity to execute the command.
Notes This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE.
The following two commands are obsolete. Use the replacements shown.
set lan timeout This command is the same as set local set timeout.
set wan timeout This command is the same as set global set timeout.
1. The following example shows how to set the check interval characteristic to 30 seconds:
dtscp> set check interval 00-00:00:30.000
2. The following example shows how to set the number of servers required before the entity can synchronize:
dtscp> set servers required 4
3. The following example shows how to set the courier role for a server:
dtscp> set courier role backup courier
4. The following example sets the error tolerance characteristic to seven minutes:
dtscp> set error tolerance 0-00:07:00.000
5. The following example sets the global set timeout characteristic to 45 seconds:
dtscp> set global set timeout 0-00:00:45.000
6. The following example sets the local set timeout characteristic to five seconds:
dtscp> set local set timeout 0-00:00:05.000
7. The following example sets the maximum inaccuracy characteristic to three milliseconds:
dtscp> set maximum inaccuracy 0-00:00:00.300
8. The following example sets the server entry name characteristic to /.:/hosts/orion/dts-entity:
dtscp> set server entry name /.:/hosts/orion/dts-entity
9. The following example sets the server principal name characteristic to /.:/hosts/vega/dts-entity:
dtscp> set server principal name /.:/hosts/vega/dts-entity
10. The following example sets the synchronization hold down characteristic to 15 minutes:
dtscp> set synchronization hold down 0-00:15:00.000
Related Information Command: show(8dts)