

Removes binding information, interface identifiers, and object UUIDs from a server entry


rpccp unexport entry-name
{[-i if-id [-v versions]] | [-o object-uuid]}
[-s syntax]


Defines an interface identifier to be unexported (optional). Only one interface can be unexported in a single operation. If specified, binding information for this interface is removed from the entry. The -i option can be qualified by the -v option. The value has the following form:


The UUID is a hexadecimal string and the version numbers are decimal strings, for example:

-i ec1eeb60-5943-11c9-a309-08002b102989,1.1

Leading zeros in version numbers are ignored.

Indicates how a specified interface version is used (optional). If it is used without the -i option, the -v option is ignored. The possible combinations of versions for the -v option and their actions are described in the following table.

Versions Action
all The interface version is ignored.
exact Both the major and minor versions must match the specified versions.
Compatible The major version must match the specified version, and the minor version must be greater than or equal to the specified version.
Major_only The major version must match the specified version; the minor version is ignored.
upto The major version must be less than or equal to that specified. If the major versions are equal, the minor version must be less than or equal to that specified.
If the -v option is absent, the command shows compatible version numbers.

Defines an object to be unexported (optional). Each unexport command accepts up to 32 -o options.

The UUID is a hexadecimal string, for example:

-o 3c6b8f60-5945-11c9-a236-08002b102989

Indicates the name syntax of the entry name (optional). The only value for this option is the dce name syntax, which is the default name syntax. Until an alternative name syntax becomes available, specifying the -s option is unnecessary.


Indicates the name of the target name service entry. Usually, the target is a server entry. However, objects also can be exported (without an interface identifier or binding information) to a group or a profile.

For an entry in the local cell, you can omit the cell name and specify only the cell-relative name.

The unexport command removes binding information and an interface identifier, object UUIDs, or both from a server entry, or it removes object UUIDs from a group's entry. The command requires the entry name and either the interface identifier or one or more object UUIDs.

By default, the unexport operation removes compatible interface versions.

Privileges Required
You need both read permission and write permission to the CDS object entry (the target name service entry).

This command is replaced at Revision 1.1 by the dcecp command and may not be provided in future releases of DCE.

The initial shell commands set up an environment variable Calendar_1_1, which represents the interface identifier of an RPC interface. The control program commands start the control program and remove (unexport) the Calendar Version 1.1 interface from the server entry /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2 in the local cell, as follows:

export Calendar_1_1

rpccp> unexport \
> -i Calendar_1_1 \
> /.:/LandS/anthro/Cal_host_2

Related Information



show server(8rpc)