account show
Returns attribute information for the specified accounts. The syntax is:
account show account_name_list [-policies | -all]
-policies Returns only the polices of the account, not other attributes.
-all Returns the attributes followed by account policies.
Description The account show operation returns an attribute list describing the specified accounts. The argument is a list of names of accounts to be operated on. If
more than one account is given, the attributes and policies are concatenated with a blank line between accounts. The -policies option lets you return the polices of the account instead of
the attributes. The -all option returns the attributes followed by the policies.
Attributes and policies are returned in lexical order. If the account has no policies, the operation displays the string nopolicy.
The policies that are actually in effect can be different from the account policies due to conflicts with registry-wide policies. If this is the case, the show command alters the attribute
structure on output to include an effective tag and the effective value, much in the same way organization show does.
Privileges Required You must have r (read) permission to the principal named in the account.
dcecp> account show John_Hunter {acctvalid yes} {client yes} {created /.../ 1994-06-15-18:31:08.000+00:00I-----}
{description {}} {dupkey no} {expdate 1995-06-16-00:00:00.000+00:00I-----} {forwardabletkt yes} {goodsince
1994-06-15-18:31:05.000+00:00I-----} {group users} {home /} {lastchange /.../ 1994-06-16-12:21:07.000+00:00I-----}
{organization users} {postdatedtkt no} {proxiabletkt no} {pwdvalid yes} {renewabletkt yes} {server yes}
{shell {}} {stdtgtauth yes} dcecp>