Document revision date: 15 July 2002
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33.5.4 Reauthentication of Current User

The following code illustrates what you might do within an application to ensure that the same user was still at the terminal. An example of reauthentication would be a check-writing application that requires reauthentication for any check over a certain value.

        ! Populate that item list 
             ! What Password was given to this routine ? 
             (ITMCOD = ACME$_PASSWORD_1, 
              BUFADR = .INPUT_STRING [DSC$A_POINTER] ) ); 
        ! Now call the System Service 
                        ACMSB=ACME_STATUS_BLOCK ); 

33.5.5 Manipulating Personas

The following example is a slight variant on the example in Section 33.5.1:

        ! Populate that item list 
             ! What is the Principal Name 
              BUFSIZ = %CHARCOUNT('JENKINS'), 
              BUFADR = UPLIT BYTE('JENKINS')), 
             ! What Password was given to this routine ? 
             (ITMCOD = ACME$_PASSWORD_1, 
              BUFADR = .INPUT_STRING [DSC$A_POINTER] ) ), 
             ! Where do we want the new Persona ID ? 
              BUFADR = NEW_PERSONA ) ); 
        ! Now call the System Service 
                        ACMSB=ACME_STATUS_BLOCK ); 
        CHECK_STATUS ( .STATUS ); 
        ! Now assume the new Persona 

This example does not use item code ACME$_PERSONA_HANDLE_IN. That is for manipulating the characteristics of an existing persona, which is not the objective of this example.

33.5.6 Using CREPRC on Behalf of a User

After authentication, you can use the SYS$ACM[W] system service to create a process on behalf of the user, with process quotas set according the values in SYSUAF, as in the following example:

            CREPRC_QUOTA : VECTOR [255,BYTE],   ! hopefully long enough 
        ! Populate that item list 
             ! What is the Principal Name 
              BUFSIZ = %CHARCOUNT('JENKINS'), 
              BUFADR = UPLIT BYTE('JENKINS')), 
             ! What Password was given to this routine ? 
             (ITMCOD = ACME$_PASSWORD_1, 
              BUFADR = .INPUT_STRING [DSC$A_POINTER] ) ), 
             ! Where do we want the new persona ID? 
              BUFADR = NEW_PERSONA), 
             ! Where do we want quota requirements stored ? 
              BUFADR = CREPRC_QUOTA ) ); 
        ! Now call the System Service 
                        ACMSB=ACME_STATUS_BLOCK ); 
        CHECK_STATUS ( .STATUS ); 
        ! That routine just detected any buffer too short error 
        ! Temporarily assume the new Persona 
        CHECK_STATUS ( .STATUS ); 
        ! Now create the process under that persona 
        CHECK_STATUS ( .STATUS ); 
        ! Revert to our old Persona 
        CHECK_STATUS ( .STATUS ); 
        ! Delete the new persona from this process 
        CHECK_STATUS ( .STATUS ); 

The PRC$M_NOUAF flag prevents LOGINOUT from modifying process quotas, while the PRC$M_INHERIT_PERSONA prevents LOGINOUT from modifying the process persona, allowing use of the persona (and persona extensions) of the parent process. The main purpose of LOGINOUT in this case becomes setting up the DCL environment.

33.6 Authentication Examples

This section provides two complete examples of using the SYS$ACM[W] system service. In addition to these examples, a utility program called ACMEUTIL is available for issuing authentication and change-password SYS$ACM system service calls and examining the results in both dialogue and nondialogue mode.

You interact with the ACMEUTIL utility using the DCL interface. For example, to issue a dialogue request for authentication, use the following syntax:

$acme auth/dial=(input,noecho)

See the comments in ACMEUTIL_SETUP.COM for additional information on ACMEUTIL DCL syntax and capabilities.

ACMEUTIL is located in the SYS$EXAMPLES directory and is built by running the ACMEUTIL.COM procedure. To define the DCL verb ACMEUTIL, run the ACMEUTIL_SETUP.COM procedure.

33.6.1 Example Using Nondialogue Mode (C)

This theoretical example supports a hardware badge reader and provides all necessary authentication information with a single call to the SYS$ACM[W] system service. The simple linear programming style used here would also be appropriate for a situation in which that authentication information is received from a network connection using a fixed protocol that does not allow queries back to the originator.
Line Activity Special Notes
45 Declare local storage This subroutine avoids static storage.
105 Determine MAXBUF MAXBUF limits hardware interaction.
105 Determine MAXBUF MAXBUF limits hardware interaction.
158 Prepare a SYS$ACM item list We will add data as we go.
210 Prepare to use the badge reader Subsequent steps use it.
233 Compare DNA Invoking a hardware function.
264 Read the principal name Data from the badge reader.
298 Read the primary password Data from the badge reader.
324 Read the secondary password Data from the badge reader.
357 Free the badge reader We do not know when image will exit.
372 Call SYS$ACMW Here is where we authenticate.
389 Return status to our caller We choose to provide no details.

     1  #pragma module ACM_BADGE "V1.0" 
     2  /* 
     3  ** ACM_BADGE.C 
     4  */ 
     5  #define         __NEW_STARLET   1 
     7  #include        <string>                // NULL and memset 
     8  #include        <starlet.h>             // for calling SYS$ACM 
     9  #include        <iledef.h>              // Item Lists 
    10  #include        <iodef.h>               // for calling $QIO 
    11  #include        <iosbdef.h>             // IO status blocks 
    12  #include        <stsdef>                // decoding status code fields 
    13  #include        <efndef>                // For event flag number definitions 
    14  #include        <descrip.h>             // for descriptor definitions 
    15  #include        <utcblkdef.h>           // required for acmedef.h 
    16  #include        <acmedef.h>             // ACME codes 
    17  #include        <syidef.h>              // GETSYI codes 
    19  /* 
    20  **      ACM_BADGE 
    21  ** 
    22  **      This subroutine obtains a user name and password from a 
    23  **      hardware badge reader and passes them in a nondialogue call to 
    24  **      SYS$ACM for evaluation.  It returns success or failure status 
    25  **      to its caller. 
    26  ** 
    27  **      Obviously the hardware badge reader construction must be secure 
    28  **      enough to never divulge the password without validating a DNA 
    29  **      sample from the person who places the badge in the reader, 
    30  **      and that is why this is just a code sample in SYS$EXAMPLES: 
    31  **      rather than something that comes with a real hardware product. 
    32  ** 
    33  **      Arguments: 
    34  ** 
    35  **          None. 
    36  ** 
    37  **      Return values: 
    38  ** 
    39  **              ACME$_NORMAL - authentic 
    40  **              ACME$_AUTHFAILURE - not authentic 
    41  **              anything else - processing failure 
    42  */ 
    43  int ACM_BADGE() 
    44  { 
    45      int                         RetStatus; 
    46      int                         DasStatus; 
    47      char                        devnam[5]="BRA0:"; 
    48      struct dsc$descriptor_s     devnam_desc = { 0,              // length 
    49                                                  DSC$K_DTYPE_T,  // type 
    50                                                  DSC$K_CLASS_S,  // class 
    51                                                  0};             // buf address 
    52      IOSB                        iosb; 
    53      ACMESB                      acmsb; 
    54      unsigned short int          badge_reader_channel; 
    55      int                         logon_type = ACME$K_NETWORK; 
    56      int                         maxbuf; 
    57      int                         read_size; 
    59      /* 
    60      ** We will call SYS$ACM with multiple entries in an item list. 
    61      */ 
    62      enum acm_items 
    63          { 
    64              acm_logon_type, 
    65              acm_principal_name_in, 
    66              acm_password_1, 
    67              acm_password_2, 
    68              acm_terminator 
    69          }; 
    70      ILE3                        acm_itmlst[acm_terminator+1]; 
    71      enum getsyi_items 
    72          { 
    73              getsyi_maxbuf, 
    74              getsyi_terminator 
    75          }; 
    76      ILE3                        getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_terminator+1]; 
    78      /* 
    79      ** Our badge reader might provide very long input items, 
    80      ** because a user does not have to type them.  Internally 
    81      ** the items will be carried in Unicode format, so the 
    82      ** length limit imposed by the 16-bit length field is 
    83      ** 1/4 of what one might first expect. 
    84      ** 
    85      ** Internal limits on the size of a single SYS$ACM request 
    86      ** actually constrain the total of all items to this size, 
    87      ** but we cannot predict how imbalanced the item lengths 
    88      ** will be, so we make all buffers be this maximum size. 
    89      ** 
    90      ** Depending on the value of system parameter MAXBUF, this 
    91      ** subroutine may try to read as many as buffer_size bytes 
    92      ** from the badge reader, so the Buffered IO Byte Limit 
    93      ** quota should be as large as buffer_size if the badge 
    94      ** reader is not a Direct IO device. 
    95      */ 
    96      enum sizes 
    97          { 
    98              buffer_size = 65535/4 
    99          }; 
   100      char                        principal_name_in[buffer_size]; 
   101      char                        password_1[buffer_size]; 
   102      char                        password_2[buffer_size]; 
   105      /* 
   106      ** Get the SYS$GETSYI item list ready. First zero it out, then fill it in. 
   107      */ 
   108      memset (                                    // clear out memory 
   109          getsyi_itmlst,                          // - Address to write to 
   110          0,                                      // - Character to fill 
   111          sizeof (getsyi_itmlst));                // - size to fill 
   113      /* 
   114      ** System Parameter MAXBUF constrains the size of Buffered IO 
   115      ** 
   116      ** Buffer maxbuf will be filled in by SYS$GETSYI. 
   117      */ 
   118      getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_maxbuf].ile3$w_code = SYI$_MAXBUF; 
   119      getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_maxbuf].ile3$w_length = sizeof (maxbuf); 
   120      getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_maxbuf].ile3$ps_bufaddr = &maxbuf; 
   121      getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_maxbuf].ile3$ps_retlen_addr = NULL; 
   123      /* 
   124      ** End the item list with a terminator 
   125      */ 
   126      getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_terminator].ile3$w_code = 0; 
   127      getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_terminator].ile3$w_length = 0; 
   128      getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_terminator].ile3$ps_bufaddr = NULL; 
   129      getsyi_itmlst[getsyi_terminator].ile3$ps_retlen_addr = NULL; 
   131      RetStatus = sys$getsyiw ( 
   132                  EFN$C_ENF,              /* no event flag */ 
   133                  NULL,                   /* CSID address */ 
   134                  NULL,                   /* Node Name */ 
   135                  &getsyi_itmlst,         /* Item List */ 
   136                  &iosb,                  /* IO Status block */ 
   137                  NULL,                   /* AST routine */ 
   138                  0 );                    /* AST Parameter */ 
   139      if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   140          { 
   141          /* 
   142          ** We use the smaller of maxbuf or the buffer size 
   143          */ 
   144          if (maxbuf < buffer_size) 
   145              { 
   146              read_size = maxbuf; 
   147              } 
   148          else 
   149              { 
   150              read_size = buffer_size; 
   151              } 
   152          } 
   153      else 
   154          { 
   155          return RetStatus; 
   156          } 
   158      /* 
   159      ** Get the SYS$ACM item list ready. First zero it out, then fill it in. 
   160      */ 
   161      memset (                                    // clear out memory 
   162          acm_itmlst,                             // - Address to write to 
   163          0,                                      // - Character to fill 
   164          sizeof (acm_itmlst));                   // - size to fill 
   166      /* 
   167      ** Buffer logon_type contains a constant ACME$K_NETWORK. 
   168      ** 
   169      ** Using an interactive Logon Type would subject us to password 
   170      ** change requests, which are not viable in nondialogue mode (or 
   171      ** from our hypothetical badge reader, for that matter). 
   172      */ 
   173      acm_itmlst[acm_logon_type].ile3$w_code = ACME$_LOGON_TYPE; 
   174      acm_itmlst[acm_logon_type].ile3$w_length = sizeof (logon_type); 
   175      acm_itmlst[acm_logon_type].ile3$ps_bufaddr = &logon_type; 
   176      acm_itmlst[acm_logon_type].ile3$ps_retlen_addr = NULL; 
   178      /* 
   179      ** Buffer principal_name_in will be filled in from the badge reader. 
   180      */ 
   181      acm_itmlst[acm_principal_name_in].ile3$w_code = ACME$_PRINCIPAL_NAME_IN; 
   182      acm_itmlst[acm_principal_name_in].ile3$w_length = maxbuf; 
   183      acm_itmlst[acm_principal_name_in].ile3$ps_bufaddr = &principal_name_in; 
   184      acm_itmlst[acm_principal_name_in].ile3$ps_retlen_addr = NULL; 
   186      /* 
   187      ** Buffer password_1 will be filled in from the badge reader. 
   188      */ 
   189      acm_itmlst[acm_password_1].ile3$w_code = ACME$_PASSWORD_1; 
   190      acm_itmlst[acm_password_1].ile3$w_length = maxbuf; 
   191      acm_itmlst[acm_password_1].ile3$ps_bufaddr = &password_1; 
   192      acm_itmlst[acm_password_1].ile3$ps_retlen_addr = NULL; 
   194      /* 
   195      ** Buffer password_2 will be filled in from the badge reader. 
   196      */ 
   197      acm_itmlst[acm_password_2].ile3$w_code = ACME$_PASSWORD_2; 
   198      acm_itmlst[acm_password_2].ile3$w_length = maxbuf; 
   199      acm_itmlst[acm_password_2].ile3$ps_bufaddr = &password_2; 
   200      acm_itmlst[acm_password_2].ile3$ps_retlen_addr = NULL; 
   202      /* 
   203      ** End the item list with a terminator 
   204      */ 
   205      acm_itmlst[acm_terminator].ile3$w_code = 0; 
   206      acm_itmlst[acm_terminator].ile3$w_length = 0; 
   207      acm_itmlst[acm_terminator].ile3$ps_bufaddr = NULL; 
   208      acm_itmlst[acm_terminator].ile3$ps_retlen_addr = NULL; 
   210      /* 
   211      ** Assign a channel to the Badge Reader. 
   212      */ 
   214      devnam_desc.dsc$w_length = sizeof(devnam); 
   215      devnam_desc.dsc$a_pointer = &devnam[0]; 
   216      RetStatus = sys$assign ( 
   217                  &devnam_desc,           /* Device Name */ 
   218                  &badge_reader_channel,  /* channel to badge reader */ 
   219                  0,                      /* access mode */ 
   220                  0 );                    /* Mailbox Name */ 
   221      if (!(RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS)) 
   222          { 
   223          return RetStatus; 
   224          } 
   226      /* 
   227      ** Exit from this one pass loop to deassign the channel and return. 
   228      */ 
   230      do 
   231          { 
   233          /* 
   234          ** Have the reader compare DNA. 
   235          ** 
   236          ** A failed DNA comparison from the hardware is reported 
   237          ** to the user the same as any other authentication failure, 
   238          ** withholding details regarding what went wrong. 
   239          */ 
   241          RetStatus = sys$qiow ( 
   242                      EFN$C_ENF,          /* no event flag */ 
   243                      badge_reader_channel,       /* channel to badge reader */ 
   244                      IO$_ACCESS,         /* IO function code */ 
   245                      &iosb,              /* IO Status block */ 
   246                      NULL,               /* AST routine */ 
   247                      0,                  /* AST Parameter */ 
   248                      0,                  /* p1 */ 
   249                      0,                  /* p2 */ 
   250                      0,                  /* p3 */ 
   251                      0,                  /* p4 */ 
   252                      0,                  /* p5 */ 
   253                      0 );                /* p6 */ 
   254          if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   255              { 
   256              RetStatus = iosb.iosb$w_status; 
   257              } 
   258          if (!(RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS)) 
   259              { 
   260              RetStatus = ACME$_AUTHFAILURE;      /* hide the exact cause */ 
   261              continue;   /* exit from the do loop */ 
   262              } 
   264          /* 
   265          ** Read the Principal Name. 
   266          */ 
   268          RetStatus = sys$qiow ( 
   269                      EFN$C_ENF,          /* no event flag */ 
   270                      badge_reader_channel,       /* channel to badge reader */ 
   271                      IO$_READVBLK,       /* IO function code */ 
   272                      &iosb,              /* IO Status block */ 
   273                      NULL,               /* AST routine */ 
   274                      0,                  /* AST Parameter */ 
   275                      &principal_name_in, /* Buffer address */ 
   276                      read_size,          /* Buffer length */ 
   277                      0,                  /* p3 */ 
   278                      0,                  /* p4 */ 
   279                      0,                  /* p5 */ 
   280                      0 );                /* p6 */ 
   281          if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   282              { 
   283              RetStatus = iosb.iosb$w_status; 
   284              } 
   285          if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   286              { 
   287              acm_itmlst[acm_principal_name_in].ile3$w_length = iosb.iosb$w_bcnt; 
   288              } 
   289          else 
   290              { 
   291              continue;   /* exit from the do loop */ 
   292              } 
   294          /* 
   295          ** Read the Primary Password. 
   296          */ 
   298          RetStatus = sys$qiow ( 
   299                      EFN$C_ENF,          /* no event flag */ 
   300                      badge_reader_channel,       /* channel to badge reader */ 
   301                      IO$_READVBLK,       /* IO function code */ 
   302                      &iosb,              /* IO Status block */ 
   303                      NULL,               /* AST routine */ 
   304                      0,                  /* AST Parameter */ 
   305                      &password_1,        /* Buffer address */ 
   306                      read_size,          /* Buffer length */ 
   307                      0,                  /* p3 */ 
   308                      0,                  /* p4 */ 
   309                      0,                  /* p5 */ 
   310                      0 );                /* p6 */ 
   311          if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   312              { 
   313              RetStatus = iosb.iosb$w_status; 
   314              } 
   315          if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   316              { 
   317              acm_itmlst[acm_password_1].ile3$w_length = iosb.iosb$w_bcnt; 
   318              } 
   319          else 
   320              { 
   321              continue;   /* exit from the do loop */ 
   322              } 
   324          /* 
   325          ** Read the Secondary Password. 
   326          */ 
   328          RetStatus = sys$qiow ( 
   329                      EFN$C_ENF,          /* no event flag */ 
   330                      badge_reader_channel,       /* channel to badge reader */ 
   331                      IO$_READVBLK,       /* IO function code */ 
   332                      &iosb,              /* IO Status block */ 
   333                      NULL,               /* AST routine */ 
   334                      0,                  /* AST Parameter */ 
   335                      &password_2,        /* Buffer address */ 
   336                      read_size,          /* Buffer length */ 
   337                      0,                  /* p3 */ 
   338                      0,                  /* p4 */ 
   339                      0,                  /* p5 */ 
   340                      0 );                /* p6 */ 
   341          if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   342              { 
   343              RetStatus = iosb.iosb$w_status; 
   344              } 
   345          if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   346              { 
   347              acm_itmlst[acm_password_2].ile3$w_length = iosb.iosb$w_bcnt; 
   348              } 
   349          else 
   350              { 
   351              continue;   /* exit from the do loop */ 
   352              } 
   354          } 
   355      while (1 == 2); 
   357      /* 
   358      ** Deassign the channel to the Badge Reader. 
   359      */ 
   361      DasStatus = sys$dassgn ( 
   362                  badge_reader_channel ); /* channel to badge reader */ 
   363      if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   364          { 
   365          RetStatus = DasStatus; 
   366          } 
   367      if (!(RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS)) 
   368          { 
   369          return RetStatus; 
   370          } 
   372      /* 
   373      ** Attempt authentication. 
   374      */ 
   376      RetStatus = sys$acmw ( 
   377                  EFN$C_ENF,              /* no event flag */ 
   378                  ACME$_FC_AUTHENTICATE_PRINCIPAL, /* ACM function code */ 
   379                  NULL,                   /* pointer to Context pointer */ 
   380                  &acm_itmlst,            /* Item List */ 
   381                  &acmsb,                 /* ACM Status block */ 
   382                  NULL,                   /* AST routine */ 
   383                  0 );                    /* AST Parameter */ 
   384      if (RetStatus & STS$M_SUCCESS) 
   385          { 
   386          RetStatus = acmsb.acmesb$l_status; 
   387          } 
   389      return RetStatus;                              // return with ACM status 
   390  } 

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