DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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Ensure that it is set up properly.

D.3 TN3270 Status Line Messages

See Table D-1 for a list of status line messages.

Table D-1 TN3270 Status Line Messages and Meanings
Message Meaning
Appl You are in a TELNET session running TN3270.
Extend You invoked the EXT function.
Hidden Status line is obscuring data on the screen because status is DISABLED.
Insert Terminal is in insert mode.
Inhib The software suspended input from your keyboard because of one of the following reasons:
  • You tried to enter data into a protected field.
  • You tried to enter the wrong type of data into a field.
  • TN3270 is communicating with the IBM software.
Msg Broadcast messages are being collected on a separate screen. This indicator is turned off when you use the SHO MSG function to view the messages.
O You are using the numeric lock override function; it is disabled when you invoke the NUM OVR function again.
P Terminal is in play mode. A key sequence is being recalled using the PLAY function.
Print The contents of your screen are either:
  • Appending to a file
  • Copying to the printer, which you specified either:
    • At startup
    • Through the SET FIL function

Remains displayed for the duration of the process; the screen is refreshed when the process completes.
R A key sequence is being recorded using the RECORD function.
SysAvl You are successfully communicating with the IBM system; the message turns off while TN3270 transmits data to the IBM host.
Wait The IBM system is not available for input; this message is displayed when SysAvl is off (if STATUS is enabled).

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