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Example 2-3 shows the function that initializes the RMS data structures. See the RMS documentation for more information about the file access block, record access block, and extended attribute block structure members.
Example 2-3 Function Initializing RMS Data Structures |
/* This segment of RMSEXP.C contains the function that * * initializes the RMS data structures. */ void initialize(char *fn) { (1) fab = cc$rms_fab; /* Initialize FAB */ fab.fab$b_bks = 4; fab.fab$l_dna = DEFAULT_FILE_EXT; fab.fab$b_dns = sizeof DEFAULT_FILE_EXT -1; fab.fab$b_fac = FAB$M_DEL | FAB$M_GET | FAB$M_PUT | FAB$M_UPD; fab.fab$l_fna = fn; fab.fab$b_fns = strlen(fn); (2) fab.fab$l_fop = FAB$M_CIF; fab.fab$w_mrs = RECORD_SIZE; fab.fab$b_org = FAB$C_IDX; (3) fab.fab$b_rat = FAB$M_CR; fab.fab$b_rfm = FAB$C_FIX; fab.fab$b_shr = FAB$M_NIL; fab.fab$l_xab = &primary_key; (4) rab = cc$rms_rab; /* Initialize RAB */ rab.rab$l_fab = &fab; (5) primary_key = cc$rms_xabkey; /* Initialize Primary * * Key XAB */ primary_key.xab$b_dtp = XAB$C_STG; primary_key.xab$b_flg = 0; (6) primary_key.xab$w_pos0 = (char *) &record.ssn - (char *) &record; primary_key.xab$b_ref = 0; primary_key.xab$b_siz0 = SIZE_SSN; primary_key.xab$l_nxt = &alternate_key; primary_key.xab$l_knm = "Employee Social Security \ Number "; (7) alternate_key = cc$rms_xabkey; /* Initialize Alternate * * Key XAB */ alternate_key.xab$b_dtp = XAB$C_STG; (8) alternate_key.xab$b_flg = XAB$M_DUP | XAB$M_CHG; alternate_key.xab$w_pos0 = (char *) &record.last_name - (char *) &record; alternate_key.xab$b_ref = 1; alternate_key.xab$b_siz0 = SIZE_LNAME; (9) alternate_key.xab$l_knm = "Employee Last Name \ "; } |
Key to Example 2-3:
Example 2-4 shows the internal functions for the program.
Example 2-4 Internal Functions |
/* This segment of RMSEXP.C contains the functions that * * control the data manipulation of the program. */ void open_file(void) { (1) rms_status = sys$create(&fab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL && rms_status != RMS$_CREATED) error_exit("$OPEN"); if (rms_status == RMS$_CREATED) printf("[Created new data file.]\n"); (2) rms_status = sys$connect(&rab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL) error_exit("$CONNECT"); } (3)void type_options(void) { printf("Enter one of the following:\n\n"); printf("A Add an employee.\n"); printf("D Delete an employee specified by SSN.\n"); printf("P Print employee(s) by ascending SSN on \ line printer.\n"); printf("T Type employee(s) by ascending last name \ on terminal.\n"); printf("U Update employee specified by SSN.\n\n"); printf("? Type this text.\n"); printf("^Z Exit this program.\n\n"); } (4)void pad_record(void) { int i; for(i = strlen(record.ssn); i < SIZE_SSN; i++) record.ssn[i] = ' '; for(i = strlen(record.last_name); i < SIZE_LNAME; i++) record.last_name[i] = ' '; for(i = strlen(record.first_name); i < SIZE_FNAME; i++) record.first_name[i] = ' '; for(i = strlen(record.comments);i < SIZE_COMMENTS; i++) record.comments[i] = ' '; } /* This subroutine is the fatal error-handling routine. */ (5)void error_exit(char *operation) { printf("RMSEXP - file %s failed (%s)\n", operation, filename); exit(rms_status); } |
Key to Example 2-4:
Example 2-5 shows the function that adds a record to the file. This function is called when ' a ' or ' A ' is entered in response to the menu.
Example 2-5 Utility Function: Adding Records |
/* This segment of RMSEXP.C contains the function that * * adds a record to the file. */ void add_employee(void) { (1) do { printf("(ADD) Enter Social Security Number:"); gets(response); } while(strlen(response) == 0); strncpy(record.ssn,response,SIZE_SSN); do { printf("(ADD) Enter Last Name:"); gets(response); } while(strlen(response) == 0); strncpy(record.last_name,response,SIZE_LNAME); do { printf("(ADD) Enter First Name:"); gets(response); } while(strlen(response) == 0); strncpy(record.first_name,response,SIZE_FNAME); do { printf("(ADD) Enter Comments:"); gets(response); } while(strlen(response) == 0); strncpy(record.comments,response,SIZE_COMMENTS); (2) pad_record(); (3) rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_KEY; rab.rab$l_rbf = (char *) &record; rab.rab$w_rsz = RECORD_SIZE; (4) rms_status = sys$put(&rab); (5) if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL && rms_status != RMS$_DUP && rms_status != RMS$_OK_DUP) error_exit("$PUT"); else if (rms_status == RMS$_NORMAL || rms_status == RMS$_OK_DUP) printf("[Record added successfully.]\n"); else printf("RMSEXP - Existing employee with same SSN, \ not added.\n"); } |
Key to Example 2-5:
Example 2-6 shows the function that deletes records. This function is called when ' d ' or ' D ' is entered in response to the menu.
Example 2-6 Utility Function: Deleting Records |
/* This segment of RMSEXP.C contains the function that * * deletes a record from the file. */ void delete_employee(void) { int i; (1) do { printf("(DELETE) Enter Social Security Number "); gets(response); i = strlen(response); } while(i == 0); (2) while(i < SIZE_SSN) response[i++] = ' '; (3) rab.rab$b_krf = 0; rab.rab$l_kbf = response; rab.rab$b_ksz = SIZE_SSN; rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_KEY; (4) rms_status = sys$find(&rab); (5) if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL && rms_status != RMS$_RNF) error_exit("$FIND"); else if (rms_status == RMS$_RNF) printf("RMSEXP - specified employee does not \ exist.\n"); else { (6) rms_status = sys$delete(&rab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL) error_exit("$DELETE"); } } |
Key to Example 2-6:
Example 2-7 shows the function that displays the employee file at the terminal. This function is called from the main function when ' t ' or ' T ' is entered in response to the menu.
Example 2-7 Utility Function: Typing the File |
/* This segment of RMSEXP.C contains the function that * * displays a single record at the terminal. */ void type_employees(void) { (1) int number_employees; (2) rab.rab$b_krf = 1; (3) rms_status = sys$rewind(&rab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL) error_exit("$REWIND"); (4) printf("\n\nEmployees (Sorted by Last Name)\n\n"); printf("Last Name First Name SSN \ Comments\n"); printf("--------- ---------- ---------\ --------\n\n"); (5) rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_SEQ; rab.rab$l_ubf = (char *) &record; rab.rab$w_usz = RECORD_SIZE; (6) for(number_employees = 0; ; number_employees++) { rms_status = sys$get(&rab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL && rms_status != RMS$_EOF) error_exit("$GET"); else if (rms_status == RMS$_EOF) break; printf("%.*s%.*s%.*s%.*s\n", SIZE_LNAME, record.last_name, SIZE_FNAME, record.first_name, SIZE_SSN, record.ssn, SIZE_COMMENTS, record.comments); } (7) if (number_employees) printf("\nTotal number of employees = %d.\n", number_employees); else printf("[Data file is empty.]\n"); } |
Key to Example 2-7:
Example 2-8 shows the function that prints the file on the printer. This function is called by the main function when ' p ' or ' P ' is entered in response to the menu.
Example 2-8 Utility Function: Printing the File |
/* This segment of RMSEXP.C contains the function that * * prints the file. */ void print_employees(void) { int number_employees; FILE *fp; (1) fp = fopen("personnel.lis", "w", "rat=cr", "rfm=var", "fop=spl"); if (fp == NULL) { perror("RMSEXP - failed opening listing \ file"); exit(SS$_NORMAL); } (2) rab.rab$b_krf = 0; (3) rms_status = sys$rewind(&rab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL) error_exit("$REWIND"); (4) fprintf(fp,"\n\nEmployees (Sorted by SSN)\n\n"); fprintf(fp,"Last Name First Name SSN \ Comments\n"); fprintf(fp,"--------- ---------- ---------\ --------\n\n"); (5) rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_SEQ; rab.rab$l_ubf = (char *) &record; rab.rab$w_usz = RECORD_SIZE; (6) for(number_employees = 0; ; number_employees++) { rms_status = sys$get(&rab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL && rms_status != RMS$_EOF) error_exit("$GET"); else if (rms_status == RMS$_EOF) break; fprintf(fp, "%.*s%.*s%.*s%.*s", SIZE_LNAME,record.last_name, SIZE_FNAME,record.first_name, SIZE_SSN,record.ssn, SIZE_COMMENTS,record.comments); } (7) if (number_employees) fprintf(fp, "Total number of employees = %d.\n", number_employees); else fprintf(fp,"[Data file is empty.]\n"); (8) fclose(fp); printf("[Listing file\"personnel.lis\"spooled to \ SYS$PRINT.]\n"); } |
Key to Example 2-8:
Example 2-9 shows the function that updates the file. This function is called by the main function when ' u ' or ' U ' is entered in response to the menu.
Example 2-9 Utility Function: Updating the File |
/* This segment of RMSEXP.C contains the function that * * updates the file. */ void update_employee(void) { int i; (1) do { printf("(UPDATE) Enter Social Security Number\ "); gets(response); i = strlen(response); } while(i == 0); (2) while(i < SIZE_SSN) response[i++] = ' '; (3) rab.rab$b_krf = 0; rab.rab$l_kbf = response; rab.rab$b_ksz = SIZE_SSN; rab.rab$b_rac = RAB$C_KEY; rab.rab$l_ubf = (char *) &record; rab.rab$w_usz = RECORD_SIZE; (4) rms_status = sys$get(&rab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL && rms_status != RMS$_RNF) error_exit("$GET"); else if (rms_status == RMS$_RNF) printf("RMSEXP - specified employee does not \ exist.\n"); (5) else { printf("Enter the new data or RETURN to leave \ data unmodified.\n\n"); printf("Last Name:"); gets(response); if (strlen(response)) strncpy(record.last_name, response, SIZE_LNAME); printf("First Name:"); gets(response); if (strlen(response)) strncpy(record.first_name, response, SIZE_FNAME); printf("Comments:"); gets(response); if (strlen(response)) strncpy(record.comments, response, SIZE_COMMENTS); (6) pad_record(); (7) rms_status = sys$update(&rab); if (rms_status != RMS$_NORMAL) error_exit("$UPDATE"); printf("[Record has been successfully \ updated.]\n"); } } |
Key to Example 2-9:
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