Document revision date: 30 March 2001 | |
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Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.3, an SCS virtual circuit closure was the first indication that a LAN path had become unusable. In OpenVMS Version 7.3, whenever the last usable LAN path is losing packets at an excessive rate, PEDRIVER displays the following console message:
%PEA0, Excessive packet losses on LAN path from local-device-name to device-name on REMOTE NODE node-name |
This message is displayed when PEDRIVER recently had to perform an excessively high rate of packet retransmissions on the LAN path consisting of the local device, the intervening network, and the device on the remote node. The message indicates that the LAN path has degraded and is approaching, or has reached, the point where reliable communications with the remote node are no longer possible. It is likely that the virtual circuit to the remote node will close if the losses continue. Furthermore, continued operation with high LAN packet losses can result in significant loss in performance because of the communication delays resulting from the packet loss detection timeouts and packet retransmission.
The corrective steps to take are:
$ SHOW DEVICE local-device-name $ MC SCACP SCACP> SHOW LAN device-name $ MC LANCP LANCP> SHOW DEVICE device-name/COUNT |
If the symptoms and preliminary diagnosis indicate that you might have a network problem, troubleshooting LAN communication failures should start with the step-by-step procedures described in Appendix C. Appendix C helps you diagnose and solve common Ethernet and FDDI LAN communication failures during the following stages of OpenVMS Cluster activity:
The procedures in Appendix C require that you verify a number of
parameters during the diagnostic process. Because system parameter
settings play a key role in effective OpenVMS Cluster communications,
Section F.2.6 describes several system parameters that are especially
important to the timing of LAN bridges, disk failover, and channel
F.2.5 Tracing Intermittent Errors
Because PEDRIVER communication is based on channels, LAN network problems typically fall into these areas:
Diagnosing failures at this level becomes more complex because the errors are usually intermittent. Moreover, even though PEDRIVER is aware when a channel is unavailable and performs error recovery based on this information, it does not provide notification when a channel failure occurs; PEDRIVER provides notification only for virtual circuit failures.
However, the Local Area OpenVMS Cluster Network Failure Analysis Program (LAVC$FAILURE_ANALYSIS), available in SYS$EXAMPLES, can help you use PEDRIVER information about channel status. The LAVC$FAILURE_ANALYSIS program (documented in Appendix D) analyzes long-term channel outages, such as hard failures in LAN network components that occur during run time.
This program uses tables in which you describe your LAN hardware configuration. During a channel failure, PEDRIVER uses the hardware configuration represented in the table to isolate which component might be causing the failure. PEDRIVER reports the suspected component through an OPCOM display. You can then isolate the LAN component for repair or replacement.
Reference: Section F.7 addresses the kinds of
problems you might find in the NISCA protocol and provides methods for
diagnosing and solving them.
F.2.6 Checking System Parameters
Table F-3 describes several system parameters relevant to the recovery and failover time limits for LANs in an OpenVMS Cluster.
Parameter | Use |
Defines the amount of time to wait before removing a node from the OpenVMS Cluster after detection of a virtual circuit failure, which could result from a LAN bridge failure. |
If your network uses multiple paths and you want the OpenVMS Cluster to
survive failover between LAN bridges, make sure the value of
RECNXINTERVAL is greater than the time it takes to fail over those
Reference: The formula for calculating this parameter is discussed in Section 3.4.7. |
Defines the amount of time the OpenVMS operating system tries to recover a path to a disk before returning failure messages to the application. | Relevant when an OpenVMS Cluster configuration is set up to serve disks over either the Ethernet or FDDI. MVTIMEOUT is similar to RECNXINTERVAL except that RECNXINTERVAL is CPU to CPU, and MVTIMEOUT is CPU to disk. |
Defines the amount of time that the Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS tries to recover from a transient disk error on a single member of a multiple-member shadow set. | SHADOW_MBR_TIMEOUT differs from MVTIMEOUT because it removes a failing shadow set member quickly. The remaining shadow set members can recover more rapidly once the failing member is removed. |
Note: The TIMVCFAIL system parameter, which optimizes
the amount of time needed to detect a communication failure, is not
recommended for use with LAN communications. This parameter is intended
for CI and DSSI connections. PEDRIVER (which is for Ethernet and FDDI)
usually surpasses the detection provided by TIMVCFAIL with the listen
timeout of 8 to 9 seconds.
F.2.7 Channel Timeouts
Channel timeouts are detected by PEDRIVER as described in Table F-4.
PEDRIVER Actions | Comments |
Listens for HELLO datagram messages, which are sent over channels at least once every 3 seconds | Every node in the OpenVMS Cluster multicasts HELLO datagram messages on each LAN adapter to notify other nodes that it is still functioning. Receiving nodes know that the network connection is still good. |
Closes a channel when HELLO datagrams or sequenced messages have not been received for a period of 8 to 9 seconds | Because HELLO datagram messages are transmitted at least once every 3 seconds, PEDRIVER times out a channel only if at least two HELLO datagram messages are lost and there is no sequenced message traffic. |
Closes a virtual circuit when:
The virtual circuit is not closed if any other channels to the node are available except when the packet sizes of available channels are smaller than the channel being used for the virtual circuit. For example, if a channel fails over from FDDI to Ethernet, PEDRIVER may close the virtual circuit and then reopen it after negotiating the smaller packet size that is necessary for Ethernet segmentation. |
Does not report errors when a channel is closed | OPCOM "Connection loss" errors or SYSAP messages are not sent to users or other system applications until after the virtual circuit shuts down. This fact is significant, especially if there are multiple paths to a node and a LAN hardware failure occurs. In this case, you might not receive an error message; PEDRIVER continues to use the virtual circuit over another available channel. |
Reestablishes a virtual circuit when a channel becomes available again | PEDRIVER reopens a channel when HELLO datagram messages are received again. |
This section describes how to use SDA to monitor LAN communications.
F.3.1 Isolating Problem Areas
If your system shows symptoms of intermittent failures during run time, you need to determine whether there is a network problem or whether the symptoms are caused by some other activity in the system.
Generally, you can diagnose problems in the NISCA protocol or the network using the OpenVMS System Dump Analyzer utility (SDA). SDA is an effective tool for isolating problems on specific nodes running in the OpenVMS Cluster system.
Reference: The following sections describe the use of
some SDA commands and qualifiers. You should also refer to the
OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual or the OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual for complete information about SDA
for your system.
F.3.2 SDA Command SHOW PORT
The SDA command SHOW PORT provides relevant information that is useful in troubleshooting PEDRIVER and LAN adapters in particular. Begin by entering the SHOW PORT command, which causes SDA to define cluster symbols. Example F-1 illustrates how the SHOW PORT command provides a summary of OpenVMS Cluster data structures.
Example F-1 SDA Command SHOW PORT Display |
$ ANALYZE/SYSTEM SDA> SHOW PORT VAXcluster data structures -------------------------- --- PDT Summary Page --- PDT Address Type Device Driver Name ----------- ---- ------- ----------- 80C3DBA0 pa PAA0 PADRIVER 80C6F7A0 pe PEA0 PEDRIVER |
To examine information about the virtual circuit (VC) that carries messages between the local node (where you are running SDA) and another remote node, enter the SDA command SHOW PORT/VC=VC_remote-node-name. Example F-2 shows how to examine information about the virtual channel running between a local node and the remote node, NODE11.
Example F-2 SDA Command SHOW PORT/VC Display |
SDA> SHOW PORT/VC=VC_NODE11 VAXcluster data structures -------------------------- --- Virtual Circuit (VC) 98625380 --- Remote System Name: NODE11 (0:VAX) Remote SCSSYSTEMID: 19583 Local System ID: 217 (D9) Status: 0005 open,path ------ Transmit ------- ----- VC Closures ----- (7)--- Congestion Control ---- Msg Xmt(1) 46193196 SeqMsg TMO 0 Pipe Quota/Slo/Max(8) 31/ 7/31 Unsequence 3 CC DFQ Empty 0 Pipe Quota Reached(9) 213481 Sequence 41973703 Topology Change(5) 0 Xmt C/T(10) 0/1984 ReXmt(2) 128/106 NPAGEDYN Low(6) 0 RndTrp uS(11) 18540+7764 Lone ACK 4219362 UnAcked Msgs 0 Bytes Xmt 137312089 CMD Queue Len/Max 0/21 ------- Receive ------- - Messages Discarded - ----- Channel Selection ----- Msg Rcv(3) 47612604 No Xmt Chan 0 Preferred Channel 9867F400 Unsequence 3 Rcv Short Msg 0 Delay Time FAAD63E0 Sequence 37877271 Illegal Seq Msg 0 Buffer Size 1424 ReRcv(4) 13987 Bad Checksum 0 Channel Count 18 Lone ACK 9721030 TR DFQ Empty 0 Channel Selections 32138 Cache 314 TR MFQ Empty 0 Protocol 1.3.0 Ill ACK 0 CC MFQ Empty 0 Open(12) 8-FEB-1994 17:00:05.12 Bytes Rcv 3821742649 Cache Miss 0 Cls(13) 17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00 |
The SHOW PORT/VC=VC_remote-node-name command displays a number of performance statistics about the virtual circuit for the target node. The display groups the statistics into general categories that summarize such things as packet transmissions to the remote node, packets received from the remote node, and congestion control behavior. The statistics most useful for problem isolation are called out in Example F-2 and described in Table F-5.
Note: The counters shown in Example F-2 are stored in fixed-size fields and are automatically reset to 0 when a field reaches its maximum value (or when the system is rebooted). Because fields have different maximum sizes and growth rates, the field counters are likely to reset at different times. Thus, for a system that has been running for a long time, some field values may seem illogical and appear to contradict others.
Field | Description |
(1) Msg Xmt (messages transmitted) | Shows the total number of packets transmitted over the virtual circuit to the remote node, including both sequenced and unsequenced (channel control) messages, and lone acknowledgments. (All application data is carried in sequenced messages.) The counters for sequenced messages and lone acknowledgments grow more quickly than most other fields. |
(2) ReXmt (retransmission) |
Indicates the number of retransmissions and retransmit related timeouts
for the virtual circuit.
(3) Msg Rcv (messages received) | Indicates the total number of messages received by local node UPNVMS over this virtual circuit. The values for sequenced messages and lone acknowledgments usually increase at a rapid rate. |
(4) ReRcv (rereceive) |
Displays the number of packets received redundantly by this system. A
remote system may retransmit packets even though the local node has
already successfully received them. This happens when the cumulative
delay of the packet and its acknowledgment is longer than the estimated
round-trip time being used as a timeout value by the remote node.
Therefore, the remote node retransmits the packet even though it is
Underestimation of the round-trip delay by the remote node is not directly harmful, but the retransmission and subsequent congestion-control behavior on the remote node have a detrimental effect on data throughput. Large numbers indicate frequent bursts of congestion in the network or adapters leading to excessive delays. If the value in the ReRcv field is greater than approximately 0.01% to 0.05% of the total messages received, there may be a problem with congestion or network delays. |
(5) Topology Change | Indicates the number of times PEDRIVER has performed a failover from FDDI to Ethernet, which necessitated closing and reopening the virtual circuit. In Example F-2, there have been no failovers. However, if the field indicates a number of failovers, a problem may exist on the FDDI ring. |
(6) NPAGEDYN (nonpaged dynamic pool) | Displays the number of times the virtual circuit was closed because of a pool allocation failure on the local node. If this value is nonzero, you probably need to increase the value of the NPAGEDYN system parameter on the local node. |
(7) Congestion Control | Displays information about the virtual circuit to control the pipe quota (the number of messages that can be sent to the remote node [put into the "pipe"] before receving an acknowledgment and the retransmission timeout). PEDRIVER varies the pipe quota and the timeout value to control the amount of network congestion. |
(8) Pipe Quota/Slo/Max |
Indicates the current thresholds governing the pipe quota.
Reference: See Appendix G for PEDRIVER congestion control and channel selection information. |
(9) Pipe Quota Reached | Indicates the number of times the entire transmit window was full. If this number is small as compared with the number of sequenced messages transmitted, it indicates that the local node is not sending large bursts of data to the remote node. |
(10) Xmt C/T (transmission count/target) | Shows both the number of successful transmissions since the last time the pipe quota was increased and the target value at which the pipe quota is allowed to increase. In the example, the count is 0 because the pipe quota is already at its maximum value (31), so successful transmissions are not being counted. |
(11) RndTrp uS (round trip in microseconds) | Displays values that are used to calculate the retransmission timeout in microseconds. The leftmost number (18540) is the average round-trip time, and the rightmost number (7764) is the average variation in round-trip time. In the example, the values indicate that the round trip is about 19 milliseconds plus or minus about 8 milliseconds. |
(12) Open and Cls | Displays open (Open) and closed (Cls) timestamps for the last significant changes in the virtual circuit. The repeated loss of one or more virtual circuits over a short period of time (fewer than 10 minutes) indicates network problems. |
(13) Cls | If you are analyzing a crash dump, you should check whether the crash-dump time corresponds to the timestamp for channel closures (Cls). |
The SDA command SHOW PORT/BUS=BUS_LAN-device command is useful for displaying the PEDRIVER representation of a LAN adapter. To PEDRIVER, a bus is the logical representation of the LAN adapter. (To list the names and addresses of buses, enter the SDA command SHOW PORT/ADDR=PE_PDT and then press the Return key twice.) Example F-3 shows a display for the LAN adapter named EXA.
Example F-3 SDA Command SHOW PORT/BUS Display |
SDA> SHOW PORT/BUS=BUS_EXA VAXcluster data structures -------------------------- --- BUS: 817E02C0 (EXA) Device: EX_DEMNA LAN Address: AA-00-04-00-64-4F --- LAN Hardware Address: 08-00-2B-2C-20-B5 Status: 00000803 run,online(1),restart ------- Transmit ------ ------- Receive ------- ---- Structure Addresses --- Msg Xmt 20290620 Msg Rcv 67321527 PORT Address 817E1140 Mcast Msgs 1318437 Mcast Msgs 39773666 VCIB Addr 817E0478 Mcast Bytes 168759936 Mcast Bytes 159660184 HELLO Message Addr 817E0508 Bytes Xmt 2821823510 Bytes Rcv 3313602089 BYE Message Addr 817E0698 Outstand I/Os 0 Buffer Size 1424 Delete BUS Rtn Adr 80C6DA46 Xmt Errors(2) 15896 Rcv Ring Size 31 Last Xmt Error 0000005C Time of Last Xmt Error(3)21-JAN-1994 15:33:38.96 --- Receive Errors ---- ------ BUS Timer ------ ----- Datalink Events ------ TR Mcast Rcv 0 Handshake TMO 80C6F070 Last 7-DEC-1992 17:15:42.18 Rcv Bad SCSID 0 Listen TMO 80C6F074 Last Event 00001202 Rcv Short Msg 0 HELLO timer 3 Port Usable 1 Fail CH Alloc 0 HELLO Xmt err(4) 1623 Port Unusable 0 Fail VC Alloc 0 Address Change 1 Wrong PORT 0 Port Restart Fail 0 |
Field | Description |
(1) Status: | The Status line should always display a status of "online" to indicate that PEDRIVER can access its LAN adapter. |
(2) Xmt Errors (transmission errors) | Indicates the number of times PEDRIVER has been unable to transmit a packet using this LAN adapter. |
(3) Time of Last Xmt Error |
You can compare the time shown in this field with the Open and Cls
times shown in the VC display in Example F-2 to determine whether the
time of the LAN adapter failure is close to the time of a virtual
circuit failure.
Note: Transmission errors at the LAN adapter bus level cause a virtual circuit breakage. |
(4) HELLO Xmt err (HELLO transmission error) |
Indicates how many times a message transmission failure has
"dropped" a PEDRIVER HELLO datagram message. (The Channel
Control [CC] level description in Section F.1 briefly describes the
purpose of HELLO datagram messages.) If many HELLO transmission errors
occur, PEDRIVER on other nodes probably is timing out a channel, which
could eventually result in closure of the virtual circuit.
The 1623 HELLO transmission failures shown in Example F-3 contributed to the high number of transmission errors (15896). Note that it is impossible to have a low number of transmission errors and a high number of HELLO transmission errors. |
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