Compaq TP Desktop Connector
for ACMS
Client Application Programming Guide

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Part 1 Components and Design
Chapter 1 Compaq TP Desktop Connector Components and Processing
Chapter 2 Designing TP Desktop Connector Solutions
Chapter 3 Developing Compaq ACMS Applications
Part 2 Portable API and Macintosh Client Development
Chapter 4 Developing Portable API Client Programs
Chapter 5 Using Portable API Extensions for Microsoft Windows
Chapter 6 Using Portable API Extensions for OSF/Motif
Chapter 7 Forced Nonblocking Extension to the Portable API
Chapter 8 Developing Macintosh Desktop Client Programs
Appendix A Sample Application Code
Appendix B Tools


Preface Preface
Part 1
Part 1 Components and Design
Chapter 1
1 Compaq TP Desktop Connector Components and Processing
     1.1     TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS Components
         1.1.1         Desktop Client Program Components
         1.1.2         Network Components
         1.1.3         TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS System Components
     1.2     Desktop Client Program Processing
         1.2.1         TP Desktop Client Services
         1.2.2         Desktop Client Program Action Routines
         1.2.3         Phases of Desktop Client Program Processing
     1.3     Programming with TP Desktop Software
     1.4     System Management with TP Desktop Software
     1.5     TP Desktop Sample Application
Chapter 2
2 Designing TP Desktop Connector Solutions
     2.1     TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Design Questions
         2.1.1         Understanding Application Requirements
         2.1.2         Choosing Presentation Software
         2.1.3         Understanding Memory Constraints
         2.1.4         Strategy for Implementing the Solution
     2.2     Processing Design
         2.2.1         NO I/O and I/O Tasks
                NO I/O Task and TP Desktop Connector Interaction
                I/O Task and TP Desktop Connector Interaction
                Choosing Between I/O and NO I/O Tasks
         2.2.2         Application Design Approaches
                Common ACMS Applications
                Tailored ACMS Applications
                Conversion of a Task: I/O to NO I/O
         2.2.3         Preventing Loss of Work with Local Data Capture
         2.2.4         Event-Driven Systems and the Nonblocking Environment
         2.2.5         Nonblocking Design Considerations
         2.2.6         TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS Availability
         2.2.7         Error Handling
         2.2.8         TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS Error Checking
     2.3     User Interface Design
     2.4     Data Design
         2.4.1         Data Conversion
         2.4.2         Data Alignment with RISC Architecture Clients and OpenVMS Servers
         2.4.3         Data Validation
         2.4.4         Data Integrity
         2.4.5         Workspace Design
                Unidirectional and Bidirectional Workspaces
         2.4.6         Data Compression
     2.5     Design Conclusions
Chapter 3
3 Developing Compaq ACMS Applications
     3.1     Overall Development on the OpenVMS System
     3.2     Creating Data Definitions for the Desktop System
     3.3     Treating Forms in Task and Task Group Definitions
     3.4     Enabling Version Checking on OpenVMS Systems
         3.4.1         Building the ACMSDI_GET_VERSION Shareable Image
         3.4.2         Defining the Version-Checking Logical Name
     3.5     Getting Desktop Submitter Information
         3.5.1         Coding the Routine
         3.5.2         Building the Shareable Image
     3.6     Debugging TP Desktop Connector Solutions
         3.6.1         Debugging the Desktop Client Program Only
         3.6.2         Debugging NO I/O Tasks
         3.6.3         Debugging Tasks Called from Desktop Client Programs
                Defining the Gateway Process and Network Names
                Defining Logical Names
                Required Privileges
                Installing the TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS Images
                Troubleshooting Problems in Starting Multiple Gateways
                Starting the TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS from an ACMS Task
                Running the Task Debugger Session
                Selecting a Gateway from a Portable API Client Program
                Selecting a Gateway from a Macintosh Client
                Managing TP Desktop Connector Gateways Used for Debugging Purposes
                Stopping a TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS
                Restrictions on Using Multiple Gateways
         3.6.4         Debugging Procedure Server Code
Part 2
Part 2 Portable API and Macintosh Client Development
Chapter 4
4 Developing Portable API Client Programs
     4.1     Guideline Summary
         4.1.1         Managing Code on the Desktop Client System
         4.1.2         Structuring Exchange Steps in the Presentation Code
         4.1.3         Data Conversion
         4.1.4         Preventing Concurrent Use
     4.2     Generating Workspaces for the Client
         4.2.1         Generating Workspace Definitions
         4.2.2         Using the MAKE_RECORDS.COM Utility
         4.2.3         Generating Individual Workspace Definitions
         4.2.4         Coding Workspace Fields
                Initializing Workspaces from ACMS
                Initializing Workspaces to ACMS
         4.2.5         Using Data Compression with the Portable API
                Activating Data Compression
                Specifying Data Compression for Workspaces
         4.2.6         Data Compression Monitor
                Activating and Deactivating Compression Monitoring
                Creating Compression Activity Reports
                Creating Customized Reports
         4.2.7         Choosing the Network Software
     4.3     Writing Version-Checking Routines
         4.3.1         Version-Checking Processing
         4.3.2         Requesting Version Checking
     4.4     AVERTZ Sample Desktop Client Program for DOS
         4.4.1         AVERTZ Components for DOS
         4.4.2         AVERTZ Component Processing Flow
         4.4.3         Reusing the CLIENT.EXE Routines
     4.5     Writing Procedures Using Blocking TP Desktop Client Services
         4.5.1         Calling the Sign-In Service
         4.5.2         Enabling Password Expiration Checking
         4.5.3         Establishing an Exit Handler
         4.5.4         Calling Tasks and Signing Out
         4.5.5         Passing Multiple Workspaces on acmsdi_call_task
         4.5.6         Using Unidirectional Workspaces on acmsdi_call_task
         4.5.7         Providing Stub Routines
     4.6     Writing Presentation Procedures in a Blocking Environment
         4.6.1         Coding for acmsdi_enable and acmsdi_disable
         4.6.2         Coding Return Status Values
     4.7     Building and Debugging the Desktop Client Program
         4.7.1         Linking the Desktop Client Program
         4.7.2         Debugging the Desktop Client Program with Tasks
     4.8     Using the DOS Desktop Client Program on Other Systems

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