
Configuring Additional CDS Servers

When you configure additional CDS servers, you create replicas of the clearinghouse database created during the configuration of the initial CDS server. Replicas are useful to ensure the availability of name information when the machine on which the initial CDS server runs is unavailable. A CDS server replica must be created on a different machine than the one on which the master CDS server resides.

To configure the additional CDS servers:

1. At the Additional Server Configuration menu, type 1 and press <Return>.

Note: If you attempt to configure an additional CDS server on the node where the master CDS server is located, the dce_config script returns and error message, and you must start again.

The dce_config script displays the following messages:

S:****** Configuring additional CDS server.
S:****** Waiting for node self-identity to be established...

Then the dce_config script starts the CDS client daemon, and prompts:

What is the name for this clearinghouse?

2. Type the name to be assigned to the CDS clearinghouse and press <Return>. (The name assigned to the initial clearinghouse is in the form machine_name_ch. You may want to continue this convention in naming clearinghouse replicas.)

The dce_config script displays the following messages:

S:****** Initializing the name space for additional CDS Server...
S:****** Setting ACLs for the CDS clearinghouse /.:/host_ch...

and then prompts:

Should more directories be replicated? (n)

3. At this point, you have two choices:

a. Type y to replicate other directories on the machine and press <Return>.

The dce_config script prompts for a list of the directories to replicated:

Enter a list of directories to be replicated, separated
by spaces, and terminated by <RETURN>:

Type in the list of directories separated by spaces. Press <Return> when the list is complete.

The dce_config script automatically replicates the root directory. To have dce_config replicate other directories, you must specify the full path name (including the /.:/) of each additional directory you want to replicate. Specifying the root directory of a tree structure does not cause the entire tree structure to be replicated. (Note that once the configuration is complete, you can use the CDS control program (cdscp) to replicate directories at any time.)

b. Type n to not replicate directories and press <Return>.

The dce_config script completes the configuration and returns the Additional Server Configuration menu.

4. When the additional server configuration is complete, exit dce_config and log in as the initial privileged user (created during the configuration of the master Security server), and skulk the root directory using the following command:

set directory /.: to skulk

This action propagates a copy of the changed root directory information to all the CDS servers. Note that use of several CDS servers may expand the time required to complete the propagation.


Possible Configuration Errors

Handling Configuration Error