clearinghouse show
Displays attribute and counter information associated with specified clearinghouses on local or remote machines. The syntax is:
clearinghouse show clearinghouse_name_list [-schema | -all] [-counters] [-attributes]]
-schema Indicates whether attributes are single-valued or multivalued.
-all Returns the attributes and counters for the clearinghouse.
-attributes Returns the attributes for the clearinghouse.
-counters Returns only the counters for the clearinghouse.
Description The clearinghouse show operation displays attribute and counter information associated with specified clearinghouses. The required
clearinghouse_name_list argument is a list of one or more names of the clearinghouses you want to show. If more than one clearinghouse is shown, the attributes of all the clearinghouses are
concatenated into one list. The order of the returned attributes is the lexical order of the object identifiers (OIDs) of each attribute for each clearinghouse.
If you supply no options, clearinghouse show returns the attributes associated with the specified clearinghouse.
Privileges Required You must have r (read) permission to the clearinghouse. If you specify a wildcard clearinghouse name, you also need r
(read) permission to the cell root directory.
Examples The following command displays the attributes of the clearinghouse /.:/drkstr_ch.
dcecp> clearinghouse show /.:/drkstr_ch {CDS_CTS 1994-06-18-20:16:22.150-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56} {CDS_UTS
1994-06-19-17:17:43.911-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56} {CDS_ObjectUUID 0066ccea-d978-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {CDS_AllUpTo
1994-07-01-21:30:18.948-05:00I0.000/00-00-c0-f7-de-56} {CDS_DirectoryVersion 3.0} {CDS_CHName /.../terrapin/drkstr_ch} {CDS_CHLastAddress {Tower
ncacn_ip_tcp} {Tower ncadg_ip_udp}} {CDS_CHState on} {CDS_CHDirectories {{Dir_UUID
00146037-d97b-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name /.../terrapin}} {{Dir_UUID 0043797a-d991-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys}}
{{Dir_UUID 004faa42-d992-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/HP}} {{Dir_UUID 004fa65a-d993-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56}
{Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/HP/sample-apps}} {{Dir_UUID 004b1130-d994-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/dce}} {{Dir_UUID
00498a0e-d995-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/subsys/dce/sec}} {{Dir_UUID 003ed80c-d996-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name
/.../terrapin/subsys/dce/dfs}} {{Dir_UUID 003d4d8e-d997-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/hosts}} {{Dir_UUID
003bc522-d998-1db3-8259-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/hosts/drkstr}} {{Dir_UUID 0089ee8c-44e0-1dbe-929b-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name
/.../terrapin/help}} {{Dir_UUID 001c6cea-00fb-1dc5-929b-0000c0f7de56} {Dir_Name /.../terrapin/test_1}} {{Dir_UUID 00440fe8-02a1-1dc5-929b-0000c0f7de56}
{Dir_Name /.../terrapin/dirmod}}} {CDS_ReplicaVersion 3.0} {CDS_NSCellname /.../terrapin} dcecp>
The following command displays the current values of the counters associated with the /.:/Chicago1_CH clearinghouse:
dcecp> clearinghouse show /.:/Chicago1_CH -counters {corruptions 0} {disables 0} {enables 1} {failedupgrades 0}
{missingentries 0} {reads 2336} {returnedrefs 2} {rootunreachables 0} {skulkfailures 0} {writes 68} dcecp>