clearinghouse verify
Verifies the consistency of the specified clearinghouse on the local machine. The syntax is:
clearinghouse verify clearinghouse_name_list
Description The clearinghouse verify operation verifies the consistency of the specified clearinghouse by checking internal attributes. The required
clearinghouse_name_list argument is a list of one or more names of clearinghouses you want to verify. This operation returns an empty string on success.
Privileges Required
You need w (write) permission on the clearinghouse server and A (Admin) permission on the cell root directory. The server principal
(/hosts/hostname/cds-server) needs r (read), w (write), and A (Admin) permission to the cell root directory.
Examples The following command verifies the consistency of clearinghouses named /.:/gumby_ch and /.:/pokey_ch.
dcecp> clearinghouse verify {/.:/gumby_ch /.:/pokey_ch dcecp>