clock show
Returns a DTS-style timestamp including the time differential factor (TDF). The syntax is:
clock show [dts_entity] [-dtsd | -inetd | -dced]
-dced Use dced services instead of DTS to report the time.
-inetd Use inetd socket connections instead of DTS to report the time.
-dtsd Use DTS services to report the time.
Description The clock show operation returns a DTS style timestamp with the TDF indicated. Use the dts_entity argument to specify a remote host on which to
show the clock.
Two options let you specify that the time should be returned without using DTS services:
· The -dced option specifies that dced services should be used instead of DTS services
· The -inetd option specifies that inetd socket connections should be used instead of DTS
Privileges Required You must have r (read) permission on the clock object /.:/hosts/hostname/dts-entity if using DTS to show the
time, otherwise no special privileges are required.
dcecp> clock show 1994-07-15-16:28:02.229+00:00I----- dcecp> clock show oddball -dced 1994-07-16-17:29:05.321+00:00I----- dcecp>