clock synchronize
Causes dtsd to synchronize gradually with a server. The syntax is:
clock synchronize [dts_entity] [-abruptly] [-dtsd] | -inetd | -dced]
-abruptly Causes the clock to be set abruptly rather than gradually adjusted to the computed time.
-dced Use dced services instead of DTS as the time source.
-inetd Use inetd socket connections instead of DTS as the time source.
-dtsd Use DTS services as the time source.
Description The clock synchronize operation causes the local dtsd to synchronize the local clock gradually with the cell time from DTS servers. The
-abruptly option changes to the specified time immediately, without gradual adjustments.
By default, the time is retrieved from DTS. If the -dced option is specified, the time is retrieved from dced services. If the -inetd option is specified, the time is
retrieved from inetd socket connections. The optional dts_entity argument synchronizes the clock on the named remote host. The operation returns an empty string on success.
Privileges Required You must have w (write) permission on the clock object /.:/hosts/hostname/dts-entity if using DTS to synchronize
the time, otherwise no special privileges are required.
dcecp> clock synchronize dcecp>