registry checkpoint
Specifies when registry checkpoints should be performed. The syntax is:
registry checkpoint registry_replica_name [-at hh:mm | -cpi [num | numm | numh}] [-now]
-at hh:mm Specifies the specific time of the day to perform the checkpoint. hh:mm specifies the hours and minutes of the day (in UTC time) to perform the
-cpi [num|numm|numh] Specifies an interval at which to perform checkpoints.
-now Specifies an immediate checkpoint. This is the default.
Description The registry checkpoint command lets you set the times when the registry database should be saved to disk (checkpointed). You must supply the name of a
replica for the command to bind to.
If you use the -at option, the checkpoint is performed at the specified time. The time is in UTC format. For example, to specify 3:30 P.M., the entry is 15:30. The checkpoint interval
then reverts to the default or to the interval specified by the -cpi option.
If you use the -cpi option, the checkpoint is performed at the interval you specify continuously until you specify another interval. This option takes an argument that specifies the
interval time as seconds, minutes, or hours:
· To specify seconds, supply only a number. For example, -cpi 101 specifies an interval of 101 seconds.
· To specify minutes, enter the number and m. For example, -cpi 101m specifies an interval of 101 minutes.
· To specify hours, enter the number an h. For example, -cpi 101h specifies an interval of 101 hours.
If you use the -now option, a checkpoint is performed immediately. The checkpoint interval then reverts to the default or to the interval specified by the -cpi option.
This command sets the _b(sec) variable to the replica to which it binds.
Privileges Required You must have ad (auth_info, delete) permission to the replist object.
dcecp> registry checkpoint /
/gumby-cell/subsys/dce/sec/oddball -at 05:30 dcecp>