registry connect
Connects the local (that is, default) cell of the local host to the foreign cell specified by the argument. The syntax is:
registry connect cell_name -group local_group_name -org local_org_name -mypwd local_password
-fgroup foreign_group_name -forg foreign_org_name -facct foreign_account_name -facctpwd
foreign_account_password [-expdate] [-acctvalid] [-facctvalid]
-group local_group_name Specifies the group for the local account.
-org local_org_name Specifies the organization for the local account.
-mypwd local_password Specifies the password for the local account.
-fgroup foreign_group_name Specifies the group for the foreign account.
-forg foreign_org_name Specifies the organization for the foreign account.
-facct foreign_account_name Specifies the name for the foreign account.
-facctpwd foreign_account_password Specifies the password for the foreign account.
-expdate account_expiration_date Optionally sets an expiration date for both local and foreign accounts.
-acctvalid Marks the local account as a valid account. A valid local account allows users from the foreign cell to login to nodes in the local cell. The default is invalid.
-facctvalid Marks the foreign account as a valid account. A valid foreign account allows users from the local cell to login to nodes in the foreign cell. The default is
Description The registry connect operation creates an account in the local cell for the specified foreign cell and also creates an account in the foreign cell for the
local cell. Both accounts have the same key. The argument must be the fully qualified name of a single cell. It cannot be a list or a string binding.
The -group, -org, and -mypwd options supply the account information for the local cell. The -fgroup, -forg, -facct, and -facctpwd
options supply the account information for the foreign cell.
This operation creates the group and organization specified as the values of the relevant options, if necessary, and puts the relevant principal into them, if necessary. Be careful when
typing. The command creates the group and organization using the exact names you supply.
If the operation fails, it removes any organization and/or group that it has created and it also removes the relevant principals. To protect the password being entered, the registry connect
command can be entered only from within the dcecp program. You cannot enter this command from the operating system prompt using dcecp with the -c option.
If you do not use the -acctvalid and -facctvalid options, you must mark the accounts as valid (using the dcecp account command) before intercell access is allowed.
This operation returns an empty string on success.
Privileges Required You must have a (auth_info) permission to the replist object and the permissions required to create principals, groups,
organizations, and accounts in the local and foreign cells.
dcecp> get cellname /.../my_cell.com dcecp>
dcecp> registry connect /.../your_cell.com -group none -org none \ -mypwd -dce- -fgroup none -forg none -facct cell_admin \ -facctpwd -dce- dcecp>