rpcprofile remove
Removes one or more members from the specified profile. The syntax is:
rpcprofile remove profile_name_list {-default | -member member_name -interface interface_id |
-annotation annotation | -priority priority}
-default Performs the rpcprofile remove operation on the default profile element. When you use the -default option, all other options are illegal.
-member member_name Required when the -default option is not used, this option lets you specify a list of names of one or more members to be removed from all
profiles named in the profile_name_list argument. The value of the -member option is a single name of an RPC entry, RPC group, or RPC profile; the name is only a reference
stored in the RPC profile and need not actually exist outside of the profile. The specified member is removed from all RPC profiles specified in the argument.
-interface interface_id Declares the interface identifier of an RPC interface. The rpcprofile remove command operates on only one interface_id. If
you use the -default option, the -interface option is ignored.
See Data Structures for the format of the interface identifier.
-annotation annotation Defines an annotation string for the profile element to be removed. You can include internal spaces in an annotation by enclosing the string in
quotation marks (or by using other dcecp quoting mechanisms). If you use the -default option, the -annotation option is ignored.
-priority priority Defines a search priority for the profile element you want to see. The priority value is in the range 0 to 7, with 0 having the highest priority.
By default, a nondefault element is assigned a priority value of 0.
See Data Structures for the format of the interface identifier.
Description The rpcprofile remove operation removes one member from the specified profile(s). The profile_name_list argument is a list of names of RPC
profiles from which the member is to be removed. The member to be removed must match the values given in the following options: -member, -interface, and -annotation.
These options are all single-valued; they are not lists. The matching member is removed from all RPC profiles specified in the argument. Also accepts a -default option, in which case the
above options are ignored and the default profile member is removed. The operation returns an empty string on success. If the specified member does not exist in an RPC profile, an error is returned.
Privileges Required You need r (read) permission and w (write) permission to the CDS object entry (the target profile entry).
Examples The following example removes the member /.:/subsys/applications/infobases with interface {baf8c319-998f-11cd-ac7b-0000c08adf56 1.0} from the
rpcprofile entry /.:/users/wards_profile.
dcecp> rpcprofile remove /.:/users/wards_profile \ > -member /.:/subsys/applications/infobases \ > -interface
{baf8c319-998f-11cd-ac7b-0000c08adf56 1.0} dcecp>