rpcprofile show
Returns a list of all members of one or more profiles. The syntax is:
rpcprofile show profile_name_list {-default | [-member member-name] [-interface
interface_id [-version versions]] [-priority priority] [-annotation
annotation] [-noupdate]}
-default Performs the rpcprofile show operation on the default profile element. When you use the -default option, all of the other options are ignored.
-member member_name This option lets you specify one member name for which to return profile information. If you use the -default option, the -member
option is ignored.
-interface interface_id Declares the interface identifier of an RPC interface. The rpcprofile show command operates on only one interface_id.
See Data Structures for the format of the interface identifier.
-version versions Specifies interface version numbers to be returned with an rpcprofile show operation. This must be used with the -interface option.
Specify versions using one of the following values for the -version option: all, exact, compatible, major_only, and upto.
If you use the -default option, the -version option is ignored.
See Data Structures for the exact behavior of the version values.
-priority priority Defines a search priority for the profile element you want to see. The priority value is in the range 0 to 7 with zero having the highest priority.
When a default element is added (with the -default option, the -priority option is ignored. Be default, a nondefault element is assigned a priority value of zero. If you use the
-default option, the -priority option is ignored.
-annotation annotation Defines an annotation string for the profile element. You can include internal spaces in an annotation by enclosing the string in quotation
marks (or by using other dcecp quoting mechanisms).
-noupdate Use this option to avoid taking the time to update the local cache. See rpcprofile import for more information.
Description The rpcprofile show operation returns a list of all members of one or more profiles. The argument is a list of names of RPC profiles to have members of
returned. An attribute list is returned for each member with all of the entered information. It is always in the order: interface, member, priority, annotation.
If any of the items is not given, they are not included in the output, that is, no place holder is included.
Only those members that match the values specified by the following optional options are returned: -interface, -version, -annotation, -member. Each option can
have only one value (that is, the value cannot be a list). Also accepts a -default option, in which case, the above options are illegal and the default profile member is returned.
Privileges Required You need r (read) permission to the CDS object entry (the target profile entry).
Examples The following example uses no option to show all the members of a profile.
dcecp> rpcprofile show /.:/users/wards_profile\ {{458ffcbe-98c1-11cd-bd93-0000c08adf56 1.0} /.../my_cell.goodcompany.com/subsys/applications/infobases 0 }
{{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 0.0} /.../my_cell.goodcompany.com/cell-profile 0 } {{baf8c319-998f-11cd-ac7b-0000c08adf56 1.0}
/.../my_cell.goodcompany.com/subsys/applications/infobases 0 } dcecp>
The following example uses the -interface option to show a single member of a profile.
dcecp> rpcprofile show /.:/users/wards_profile \ > -interface {baf8c319-998f-11cd-ac7b-0000c08adf56 1.0} {{baf8c319-998f-11cd-ac7b-0000c08adf56
1.0} /.../my_cell.goodcompany.com/subsys/applications/infobases 0 } dcecp>