server modify
Used to add or remove fixed attributes or extended registry attributes and their values from the server configuration object. The syntax is:
server modify server_name_list {-add extended_rgy_attr_list | -remove extended_rgy_attr_list [-types]
| -change attribute_list} [-local]
-add extended_rgy_attr_list Allows you to add ERAs that may be defined for your environment. You can specify the attributes to be added as a list See the
OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components for more information about ERAs.
-remove extended_rgy_attr_list Allows you to remove ERAs that may be defined for your environment. You can specify the attributes to be removed as a list.
See the OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components for more information about ERAs.
-types Specifies that a list of attribute names instead of names and values was given as the value of the -remove option, indicating that the entire attribute should be
removed and not just specified values.
-change attribute_list Allows you to specify attributes by using an attribute list in the following format:
See the Attributes topic of this reference page for more information about attributes.
-local Specifies that the command is to operate on the local dced object while the dced on the local machine is in partial service mode.
Description The server modify operation changes fixed attributes or adds or removes extended registry attributes (ERAs) and their values from the server object. The
server_name_list argument is a list of names of server objects to be modified. Accepts the -change option which must have an attribute list as its value. Attribute options are not
supported for this command. The name is always for a server configuration object, you cannot modify a server execution object.
Refer to the server's application documentation for information about any ERAs supported for the server.
Privileges Required You must have w (write) permission to the server configuration object.
dcecp> server modify /.:/hosts/foster/config/try_tserver \ > -arguments /.:/hosts/foster/tserver dcecp>