Starts the advertisement and solicitation daemon
cdsadv [-c] [-D] [-s] [-w route]
-c size Specifies cache size in kilobytes. Changing cache sizes causes previously cached information to be discarded, including information about cached
servers, so use of this option may necessitate defining a new cached server.
-D For debugging use only. Causes the cdsadv process not to fork.
-s Causes the cdsadv process not to send or receive advertisements. This argument can be used for diagnostic work involving multiple servers on the same local area
network to limit access to those servers identified with the define cached server command.
-w route Routes serviceability messages.
Description The cdsadv command starts the Cell Directory Service (CDS).
Privileges Required You must log in as superuser (root).
Notes This command is ordinarily executed by a DCE configuration or startup script. You should use this command interactively only when the cdsadv process fails to
start automatically after a reboot, or if you want to restart the cdsadv process after disabling it to perform a backup or to do diagnostic work on the host system.
Examples To restart the cdsadv process, follow these steps:
1. Log in to the clerk system as superuser (root).
2. Verify that the dced process is running.
3. Enter the following command to restart the cdsadv process:
Related Information Commands: gdad(8cds)
Book: OSF DCE Administration Guide - Core Components