Producing Online and
Printed Documentation

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G.1 Conventions

Terms that refer to other glossary entries are marked in the glossary definitions by italics.

argument: Additional processing information that you supply to an SDML tag. An SDML tag may have optional arguments, required arguments, or no arguments. For example, in <LIST>(simple), SIMPLE is the argument.

ARTICLE: The doctype keyword that you use to create articles. This doctype has one design that creates two-column documents: ARTICLE.TWOCOL.

bookbuild: The process of using DECdocument to build a book using a group of SDML files that are listed in a profile file. You must include each SDML file in the profile file using the <ELEMENT> tag. See also book element.

book element: An initial major section of a document marked by an SDML tag, such as the <CHAPTER> or <FRONT_MATTER> tag. A book element is a chapter, a part, or some other major element whose contents are contained in a single SDML file. You specify this SDML file as an argument to the <ELEMENT> tag in a profile file you use to do a bookbuild.

Bookreader: An online information access tool. DECdocument allows you to create online documents that can be read with Bookreader. Bookreader is also the DOCUMENT command line destination for processing a file for Bookreader.

Bookreader library: A repository of online books (with DECW$BOOK file types) within a bookshelf (where the books have a DECW$BOOKSHELF file type). You open the bookshelf to locate an online book to read.

bookshelf: Repository of individual online books that you can read within the Bookreader library.

chunk: See online chunk

click on: Use MB1 to access a hotspot in Bookreader.

command template: A template available in the SOFTWARE doctype for documenting commands.

conditionalized SDML file: A single SDML file that you code to process source material, based on a condition keyword that you specify either as an argument to the /CONDITION qualifier or as an argument to the <SET_CONDITION> tag. Conditionalized text and tags in the SDML file begin with the <CONDITION> tag and end with the <ENDCONDITION> tag.

context-sensitive tag: An SDML tag that is valid only within the context of other SDML tags; for example, the <TABLE_ROW> tag is only valid within the context of the <TABLE> tag (between the <TABLE> and <ENDTABLE> tags). Using context-sensitive tags outside their context results in DECdocument processing errors.

cross-reference file: A file that contains a list of the symbol names used in the SDML files during a bookbuild. The cross-reference file is automatically generated during a bookbuild and is given the same file name as the input file specified on the command line, but with a file type of XREF.

design: A specialized form of a doctype. You specify the design keyword immediately after the doctype keyword and separate it by a period (.); for example, SOFTWARE.REFERENCE and MANUAL.GUIDE.

design file: The file that contains the text formatter macros that create a given doctype design. By default, this file has a file type of .DESIGN.

destination: The keyword that you enter on the command line that specifies the output device; for example, LN03_LASER_PRINTER, TERMINAL, or MAIL.

device converter: The DECdocument processor that converts a file created by the DECdocument text formatter into a file to be output on a specified destination device, such as the LN03_LASER_PRINTER.

device converter input file: A file created by the DECdocument text formatter to be processed by the device converter. This file is the default input file when you process a document with the /NOTAG_TRANSLATOR and /NOTEXT_FORMATTER qualifiers on the command line.

diagnostic file: A text file that is produced when DECdocument is executed by the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor COMPILE command or when you specify the /DIAGNOSTICS qualifier on the command line. The diagnostics file supplies information to the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor for use with its REVIEW command. This file has the file name of the input file specified on the command line and a default file type of DIA.

doctype: The keyword you enter on the command line to specify the type of document you want to create; for example, a letter, a software manual, or an article. A doctype may have several different designs contained within it; if so, you specify a design as a keyword following the doctype keyword and separate it from the doctype keyword by a period (.).

doctype-independent tag: See global tag.

doctype-specific tag: An SDML tag that is valid for a single DECdocument doctype; for example, the <SALUTATION> tag in the LETTER doctype. Tags that are available in all doctypes, such as the <LIST> tag, are referred to as doctype-independent tags or global tags.

element: See book element.

element build: A bookbuild in which only one book element from the profile is processed.

file type: A term that distinguishes one type of file from another and comes after the period (.) in a file specification; for example, the SDML file that you create has the file type SDML, and the file that the tag translator creates has the file type TEX.

fill: Making all lines (consisting of characters and spaces) equal length in a given area, such as a paragraph.

float: Indicates that if there is not enough room on the current page for an example or figure, the text processor will fill the current page with the text from the source file that follows the <EXAMPLE> or <FIGURE> tag sequence, and place the example or figure at the top of the next page of output.

footer: A string of text that runs along the bottom of a page, sometimes referred to as a running foot.

formal example: An example with a caption and a number that is listed in the table of contents, and that can be cross-referenced with the <REFERENCE> tag.

formal figure: A figure with a caption and a number that is listed in the table of contents, and that can be referenced with the <REFERENCE> tag.

formal table: A table with a caption and a number that is listed in the table of contents, and that can be referenced with the <REFERENCE> tag.

GENERAL: The doctype keyword that you can use to create 8 1
2 x 11 inch format manuals, books and miscellaneous output. This doctype is similar to the SOFTWARE.REFERENCE design except it uses less white space.

generic markup language: See markup language.

global tag: An SDML tag that is available in all the DECdocument doctypes; for example, the <LIST> tag. Tags that are restricted to a single doctype are referred to as doctype-specific tags.

hard code: To enter actual names for references rather than to use symbol names. Bookreader requires you to use symbol names rather than to hard code references.

hotspot: A region in the window you click on with MB1 to access cross-referenced topics, such as graphics, footnotes, and other sections of text.

HTML: Document files created with the GENERAL or SOFTWARE.REFERENCE doctype and HTML destination that can be viewed on the World Wide Web.

informal example: An example without a number and a caption, that is not listed in the table of contents, and that cannot be cross-referenced.

informal figure: A figure without a number and a caption, that is not listed in the table of contents, and that cannot be cross-referenced.

informal table: A table without a caption, without a number, and that is not listed in the table of contents.

input file specification: The file specification you enter on the command line. This file may be an SDML file, a text formatter input file, a device converter input file, or a printable file.

intermediate file: A file produced during the middle stages of DECdocument processing. Typically, intermediate files are deleted at the end of DECdocument processing; however, you can use the /KEEP qualifier on the command line to specify that such files be retained.

justified text: Text aligned against both the right and left margins.

keyword: A word in the DCL command line that specifies one element of the DECdocument command syntax. Unlike the keyword argument, you can truncate a keyword to save keystrokes. For example, to use the doctype keyword SOFTWARE.POCKET_REFERENCE, you can enter SOF.POC.

keyword argument: An SDML tag argument that you must spell exactly as shown (case is not important) in the tag reference sections of Using Global Tags and Using Doctypes and Related Tags.

Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE): See VAX Language-Sensitive Editor.

left-justified text: Text aligned against the left margin.

LETTER: The doctype keyword that you use to create both letters and memorandums.

License Management Facility (LMF): A licensing facility that controls access to online software and documentation. DECdocument provides a set of tags that put licensing information in books displayed by Bookreader. These tags are listed in Section 6.3 of this book, and in Using Doctypes and Related Tags.

listing file: A text file containing information about DECdocument processing that is produced when you specify the /LIST qualifier on the command line. This file has the file name of the input file specified on the command line and a default file type of LIS.

LMF: See License Management Facility.

MANUAL: The doctype keyword that you use to create 7 x 9 inch format and 8 1
2 x 11 inch format books. This doctype has four designs for producing books: MANUAL.GUIDE, MANUAL.PRIMER, MANUAL.REFERENCE, and MANUAL.ONLINE.

map file: A text file containing an ordered list of the files processed by the tag translator that is produced when you specify the /MAP qualifier on the command line. This file has the file name of the input file specified on the command line and a default file type of MAP_LIS.

markup language: A page description language that you use to "markup" text elements in an input file for processing by a document processor. SDML is the markup language used by DECdocument.

master index: An index that is created from the indexes of two or more related books. DECdocument creates a master index when you specify the /MASTER_INDEX qualifier on the command line. You can only create a master index for a printed book.

MILSPEC: The doctype keyword that you use to create military documents that conform to MIL-STD-490A or U.S. Department of Defense Data Item Descriptions that conform to DOD-STD-2167 and DOD-STD-2167A. This doctype has three designs: MILSPEC.SECURITY, for producing military documents with security classifications; MILSPEC.DRAFT, for producing double-spaced draft documents; and MILSPEC.ONLINE for producing military documentations to be displayed by Bookreader.

nested list: A list embedded within another list. The <LIST> tag and its argument(s) begins the nested list after any <LE> tag of the outer list.

nested table: A table embedded within another table and beginning with its own <TABLE> tag.

ONLINE: The doctype keyword that you use to create text that is readable on your screen. This doctype has these designs: MANUAL.ONLINE, SOFTWARE.ONLINE, MILSPEC.ONLINE, and ONLINE_BOOKSHELF.

online chunk: The smallest unit of information that Bookreader can access from the table of contents, the index, or other sections that take a symbol name.

online topic: A collection of chunks of information that Bookreader can access.

OVERHEADS: The doctype keyword that you use to create pages with large, bold text that copies well and is easy to see. From these you make slides for either overhead projectors or 35mm projectors.

placeholder: A marker in the LSE source code that indicates the location where you can provide text.

pop up: You can pop up a separate window in a Bookreader book when you clicks on a hotspot. Figures, tables, examples, and text can be made into separate windows that can be popped up in a Bookreader book. See also hotspot.

popup window: Online examples, figures, and tables appear in separate popup windows on the DECwindows screen when you click on hotspots in Bookreader.

printable file: A file that has been successfully processed by the device converter for a particular output device; for example, a file with the extension .LN03 is a printable file formatted for the LN03 laser printer.

profile file: The file that controls the bookbuilding process. This file lists each of the SDML files included in the bookbuild as arguments to <ELEMENT> tags.

reference element: The primary element in a software reference section, created using one of the SOFTWARE reference templates; for example, a command in a command reference section. It is the collection of these reference elements into a group that creates a reference section.

reference template: One of four templates available within the SOFTWARE doctype. These templates are the Command, Routine, Statement, and Tag templates. Each of these templates is composed of one or more reference elements.

REPORT: The doctype keyword that you use to create general-purpose documents, such as reports and formal outlines. This doctype has one design for two-column printing: REPORT.TWOCOL.

right-justified text: Text aligned against the right margin.

routine template: A template available in the SOFTWARE doctype for documenting programming language routines.

SDML: Abbreviation for the Standard Digital Markup Language, the generic markup language used to mark up or "tag" text elements in an SDML file. See also SDML tag.

SDML file: A user-created text file that is marked up with SDML tags for processing by DECdocument. This file is the default input file for DECdocument and has a default file type of SDML.

SDML tag: The basic component of the SDML language that is used to identify text elements in the SDML file. Tags are words or abbreviations enclosed in angle brackets (<>), for example, <TABLE> and <LIST>.

selection window: A window provided by Bookreader that displays the book name, menu and scroll bars, a topic label, and the text.

SOFTWARE: The doctype keyword and doctype that you use to document software. This doctype has seven designs for documentation ranging from advertising brochures and small pocket guides to large reference manuals. These designs are SOFTWARE.BROCHURE, SOFTWARE.GUIDE, SOFTWARE.HANDBOOK, SOFTWARE.POCKET_REFERENCE, SOFTWARE.REFERENCE (the default doctype), SOFTWARE.SPECIFICATION, and SOFTWARE.ONLINE.

statement template: A template available in the SOFTWARE doctype for documenting programming language statements.

source file: Any file used as input into one of the four stages of DECdocument processing. To avoid confusion, the term "source file" is not used in the DECdocument documentation; instead, each type of DECdocument source file is given a specific name: SDML file, text formatter input file, device converter input file, or printable file.

style: See Doctype.

subelement: An individual file that is part of a book element.

subelement build: A bookbuild in which only a single file that is included into a book element is processed.

symbol name: The name you assign to a text element that you use to cross-reference manual titles, chapters, sections, tables, figures, and examples within a single manual or among several manuals. Symbol names are stored in the cross-reference file.

tag: See SDML Tag.

tag template: A template available in the SOFTWARE doctype for documenting tags.

tag translator: The DECdocument processor that translates an SDML file containing text and tags into an input file for the text formatter.

template: DECdocument provides templates of SDML tags to make the coding of SDML files quicker and easier. You can access these templates either by copying the template files from the directory assigned to the logical name DOC$TEMPLATES, or by expanding the template-tokens available within the VAX Language-Sensitive Editor.

terminating tag: A tag that you must use to close the context of a tag; for example, <LIST> requires <ENDLIST> as the terminating tag.

template file: An SDML file supplied with DECdocument that contains SDML tags and text specialized for creating a specific kind of document; for example, the MILSPEC Data Item Description template files or the SOFTWARE reference template files. You can find these files in the directory indicated by the logical name DOC$TEMPLATES.

text element: Individually treated portions of text identified by SDML tags in an SDML file. Examples of text elements and the SDML tags that identify them are chapters (<CHAPTER>), lists (<LIST>), tables (<TABLE>), examples (<EXAMPLE>), figures (<FIGURE>), paragraphs (<P>), and first-level headings (<HEAD1>).

text formatter: The DECdocument processor that formats a text formatter input file into a device converter input file.

text formatter input file: A file created by the DECdocument tag translator as an input file for the text formatter. This file is the default input file when you process a document with the /NOTAG_TRANSLATOR qualifier on the command line.

token: Provides the complete syntax of a DECdocument tag when you expand the token using LSE.

topic: See online topic.

topic window: A window provided by Bookreader that displays the books and shelves of books that you can open and read.

VAX Language-Sensitive Editor: The VAX Language-Sensitive Editor is a text editing environment that contains templates of SDML tags that you can use to construct SDML files for use with DECdocument.

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