2.4.1 /c, (/c)

The /c qualifier causes KAP to compile but not link your program. Do not pass the /c qualifier with /fkapargs . The following example shows the correct syntax for using the /c qualifier.

kfort /fkapargs=(/verbose) /c myprog.f

The output from the /c qualifier shows that kfort issues the compiler command only, as follows:

kapf /cmp=myprog_cmp.f myprog.f               /natural
 KAP/Digital_VMS_F   V3.1 k271625 970317    08-Apr-1997   13:46:03
0 errors in file myprog.f

Issuing the compiler command:
 for/fast/optimize=(tune=host,level=5) myprog_cmp.f

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Command-Line Qualifiers