Advanced optimization qualifiers, [+] aggressive, [+] Annotated source, [+] example, [+] renaming, [+] switch settings, [+] arch in annotated source, [+] Architecture, [+] arclimit, [+] as directive, [+] argument aliasing, [+] Arrays and directives, [+] and loop directives, [+] assert concurrent call, [+] assert do (concurrent), [+] assert do (concurrent call), [+] assert do (serial), [+] assert do prefer (concurrent), [+] assert do prefer (serial), [+] assertions, [+] assume, [+] Automatic parallelization, [+], [+] automatic qualifier, [+]
beginblock - endblock, [+] bounds violations, [+]
cacheline, [+] cachesize, [+] cache_prefetch_line_count, [+] Calling tree, [+] case, [+] cmp, [+] kapf example, [+] cmpoptions, [+] Combined automatic/directed parallelization, [+], [+] Command-line qualifiers, [+] concurrentize, [+], [+] as directive, [+] kapf example, [+] kfort example, [+] Concurrent processing see parallel processing c qualifiers, [+] Cray autotasking, [+] critical section, [+]
Data dependence analysis, [+] direction vectors, [+] relations, [+] datasave, [+] DECthreads, [+], [+] C*$* assert concurrent call warning, [+] setting number, [+] setting stacksize, [+] setting synchronization, [+] Diagnostic messages, [+] Dialect qualifiers, [+] Directed parallelization, [+], [+] Directive block, [+], [+] see beginblock - endblock and assertions, [+] and loop directives, [+] syntax errors, [+] Directive recognition qualifiers, [+] Directives, [+] dlines, [+] Document conventions, [+] dpregisters, [+]
each_invariant_if_growth, [+], [+], [+] as directive, [+] Environment logicals, [+] equivalence hazard, [+] Error messages, [+] escape, [+] ev4, [+], [+] ev5, [+], [+]
fast, [+] File naming conventions, [+] fkapargs, [+] fortran, [+] fpregisters, [+] fuse, [+] fuselevel, [+]
General optimization directives, [+] qualifiers, [+]
heaplimit, [+] hoist_loop_invariants, [+]
ignoreoptions, [+] include, [+] inline, [+], [+] as directive, [+] inline_and_copy, [+] inline_create, [+] inline_depth, [+], [+] inline_from qualifiers, [+] inline_from_files, [+] inline_from_libraries, [+] inline_looplevel, [+], [+] inline_manual, [+], [+] inline_optimize, [+] Inlining and IPA, [+] conditions inhibiting, [+] directives, [+], [+] examples, [+] qualifiers, [+], [+] Input/output qualifiers, [+] integer, [+] interchange, [+] interleave, [+] Interprocedural analysis (IPA) see Inlining and IPA intlog, [+] ipa as directive, [+] IPA, [+] ipa_create, [+] ipa_depth, [+] ipa_from qualifiers, [+] ipa_from_files, [+] ipa_from_libraries, [+] ipa_looplevel, [+], [+] ipa_manual, [+] ipa_optimize, [+]
KAP as standalone preprocessor, [+] directives, [+] listing messages, [+] switches table, [+] KAP and incorrect programs, [+] kapf parallel processing, [+] serial preprocessing, [+] kfort explanation, [+] parallel processing, [+] serial execution, [+] kind, [+] kmp.olb, [+] KMP_SPINLOCKS, [+] KMP_STACKSIZE, [+]
last value needed, [+] Library creation qualifiers, [+] library_calls, [+] limit, [+] as directive, [+] lines, [+], [+] list, [+] Listing file messages, [+] support, [+] Listing qualifiers, [+] listingwidth, [+] listoptions, [+], [+] logical, [+] Loop directives and arrays, [+] peeling, [+] reordering, [+] rerolling, [+] two-version, [+] unrolling, [+] Loop-carried dependence, [+] Loop table, [+] messages, [+]
machine, [+] math_library=accurate, [+] maxssiz, [+] max_invariant_if_growth, [+], [+] as directive, [+] Memory management, [+], [+] qualifiers, [+] Messages, [+] minconcurrent, [+] as directive, [+] Mutex synchronization, [+]
namepartitioning, [+] natural, [+] no recurrence, [+] no sync, [+]
one processor section, [+] onetrip, [+] OpenVMS Alpha setting compiler/linker qualifiers, [+] Optimization control advanced, [+] general, [+] Optimization tips, [+] optimize, [+], [+], [+], [+], [+] as directive, [+] optimize=(tune=host,level=5), [+] options directive, [+]
padding, [+] PARALLEL, environment logical, [+] Parallel Computing Forum (PCF) See PCF parallel do, [+], [+] parallelio, [+] Parallel processing assertions, [+] automatic method, [+] C*$* assert concurrent call, [+] combined method, [+] concurrentize qualifier, [+] directed method, [+] directives, [+] environment logicals, [+] kapf, [+] kfort, [+] options, [+] Parallel Computing Forum, [+] qualifiers, [+] runtime support library, [+] two-version loop, [+] parallel region, [+], [+], [+] PCF directives code example, [+] compared with Cray, [+] critical section, [+] in code example, [+] one processor section, [+] parallel do, [+] parallel region, [+], [+] PCF syntax, [+] permutation, [+] POSIX compliancy, [+] Program compilation performance statistics, [+] optimizing, [+], [+] running on SMP, [+] transformed listing, [+]
real, [+] recursion, [+] recursive qualifier, [+] relation, [+] roundoff, [+], [+], [+], [+], [+], [+] routine, [+]
save, [+] scalaropt, [+], [+], [+], [+], [+], [+], [+], [+], [+] scalar optimize directive, [+] scan, [+] scheduling, [+] setassociativity, [+] skip, [+] SMP see symmetric multiprocessors Spinlock synchronization, [+] srlcd, [+] storage order, [+] suppress, [+] Symmetric multiprocessors compiling on, [+], [+] running programs on, [+] Syntax error messages, [+] syntax qualifier, [+] Syntax rules assertions and directives, [+] directive block, [+] qualifiers, [+] sys$common:[syslib]kmp.olb library, [+]
temporaries for constant arguments, [+] threads_enable, [+], [+] Transformations, [+] Troubleshooting, [+] tune=architecture, [+] Two-version loop, [+] type, [+]
unroll, [+], [+], [+] as directive, [+] unroll2, [+], [+], [+] unroll3, [+]
verbose, [+]