4.3.2 /case, (/nocase), /ncase

The /case qualifier tells KAP to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase in identifier names. The default /nocase tells KAP to be case insensitive in variable names.

When KAP inserts or modifies lines in a program, it usually creates the new code in all capital letters. The /case qualifier requires KAP to preserve the original case of variables in the new code.

In the following example, the /nocase default would cause KAP to interpret N and n as the same variable. This presents an unoptimizable data dependence in the loop.

n = N + 1
    DO 10 I = 2,100
      A(I,N) = A(I-1,n)

When the /case qualifier is specified, N and n are treated as different variables. The Global Forward Substitution pass of KAP recognizes the assignment of different values to N and n and resolves the data dependence.

DO 2 I=2,100
      A(I,N) = A(I-1,N+1)

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Command-Line Qualifiers