4.4.1 /inline, /inl, (off) /noinline, /ninl, /ipa, /ipa, (off), /noipa, /nipa

The /inline qualifier provides KAP with a list of routines to inline. The /ipa qualifier provides KAP with a list of routines to analyze. Additionally, /ipa causes KAP to give information in the annotated listing about appropriate settings for the /ind , /inll , and /ipall qualifiers on a loop-by-loop basis.

If you specify either the /inline or the /ipa qualifier without an argument list, KAP will try to inline/analyze all the called subroutines and functions in the inlining (or IPA) universe specified by the /inline_from... (/ipa_from... ) qualifiers, subject to restrictions imposed by the /inline_depth and /inline_looplevel (/ipa_looplevel ) qualifiers.

To permit KAP to inline routines that contain static SAVE or DATA variables use the /aggressive=c qualifier with /inline . The /aggressive=c qualifier promotes the static variables to members of a COMMON that is introduced into the program. See Section 4.5.1 for more information.

If you include a list of names, for example: /inline=mkcoef,yval , then just the routines named will be inlined or analyzed.

A list of routines must be included with /noinline or /noipa . All routines in the inlining/IPA universe are candidates for inlining except the listed ones.

The /[no]inline and /[no]ipa command qualifiers can be overridden by the C*$* [no]inline and C*$* [no]ipa directives.

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Command-Line Qualifiers