4.5.14 /library_calls, /lc, (off)

The /library_calls qualifier directs KAP to replace sections of code with calls to standard numerical library routines that have the same functionality. This can simplify the source code, and, if a version of the library that has been highly tuned for the target machine is available, the use of the standard package will improve performance of the application program. For example, if you specify this qualifier and you link the application with the Digital Extended Math Library (DXML), calls to the DXML Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) will replace sections of code.

The argument for /library_calls identifies which library to create CALLs for. The DXML BLAS libraries are BLAS1, which performs vector-vector operations such as dot product; BLAS2, which performs matrix-vector operations such as matrix vector multiplication; and BLAS3, which performs matrix-matrix multiplication.

This qualifier will introduce calls to BLAS routines to be linked from system libraries. Use of this qualifier can cause a collision between KAP generated BLAS routine names and user-provided routines in the source code. Even if the user-provided routines are identical in function to the library routines, rename or remove the user routines, since the linker will not use the optimized library routines if the user's calls to routines can be satisfied with the user-provided routines.

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