One way KAP enhances performance on cache-memory machines is to
use a combination of loop blocking, loop interchanging, and loop
unrolling to optimize the cache hit ratios of operands in loops.
Memory management in KAP is enabled when /scalaropt=3
and /roundoff=3
have been specified. These are the
default settings for these qualifiers.
When arrays are being processed in loops, KAP improves memory access
patterns by restructuring the code to work on small sections of
the arrays that fit in the cache and thereby giving large cache
hit ratios. The sizes of these sections are controlled by using
the memory management command qualifiers /cacheline
, /fpregisters
, and /setassociativity
The default settings for these are the standard machine characteristics for which the code is being targeted. These default settings will give the best results for most programs. For some special cases, you may want to modify these settings to adjust the sizes of the array sections that are meant to reside in the cache. The algorithm that KAP uses keeps square blocks of data in the cache.
The following matrix multiplication example shows how loop interchanging, loop blocking, scalar temporary variables, and strip mining can be used. Since these techniques introduce some additional overhead, they are not used with small, simple loops.
DIMENSION A2(N,N),B2(N,N),C2(N,N),D2(N,N) DO I = 1, N DO J = 1, N DO K = 1, N C2(I,J) = C2(I,J) + A2(I,K) * B2(K,J) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO
DIMENSION A2(N,N), B2(N,N), C2(N,N), D2(N,N) INTEGER II1, II2, II3, II4, II7, II8, II9, II10, II13, II14, II15 X, II16, II19, II20, II21, II22, II23, II24, II25, II26, II27, X II28 REAL RR1, RR2, RR3, RR4, RR5, RR6, RR7, RR8, RR9, RR10, RR11, X RR12, RR13, RR14, RR15, RR16, RR17, RR18, RR19 II3 = 1 II1 = MOD (N - 1, 21) + 1 II2 = II1 II7 = MOD (N - 1, 21) + 1 II13 = MOD (N - 1, 21) + 1 DO 12 II4=1,N,21 II9 = 1 II8 = II7 II27 = II3 + II2 - 3 II28 = II3 + II2 - 1 DO II10=1,N,21 II15 = 1 II14 = II13 II19 = II9 + II8 - 1 II20 = II9 + II8 - 1 II24 = II9 + II8 - 1 II23 = II9 + II8 - 1 DO 10 II16=1,N,21 II21 = II15 + II14 - 3 II22 = II15 + II14 -1 DO 5 J=II3,II27,3
DO 3 I=II15,II21,3 RR1 = C2(I,J) RR2 = C2(I+1,J) RR3 = C2(I,J+1) RR4 = C2(I+1,J+1) RR5 = C2(I,J+2) RR6 = C2(I+1,J+2) RR7 = C2(I+2,J) RR8 = C2(I+2,J+1) RR9 = C2(I+2,J+2) DO 2 K=II9,II19,1 RR17 = A2(I,K) * B2(K,J) RR1 = RR1 + RR17 RR17 = A2(I+1,K) * B2(K,J) RR2 = RR2 + RR17 RR17 = A2(I,K) * B2(K,J+1) RR3 = RR3 + RR17 RR17 = A2(I+1,K) * B2(K,J+1) RR4 = RR4 + RR17 RR17 = A2(I,K) * B2(K,J+2) RR5 = RR5 + RR17 RR17 = A2(I+1,K) * B2(K,J+2) RR6 = RR6 + RR17 RR17 = A2(I+2,K) * B2(K,J) RR7 = RR7 + RR17 RR17 = A2(I+2,K) * B2(K,J+1) RR8 = RR8 + RR17 RR17 = A2(I+2,K) * B2(K,J+2) RR9 = RR9 + RR17
2 CONTINUE C2(I,J) = RR1 C2(I+1,J) = RR2 C2(I,J+1) = RR3 C2(I+1,J+1) = RR4 C2(I,J+2) = RR5 C2(I+1,J+2) = RR6 C2(I+2,J) = RR7 C2(I+2,J+1) = RR8 C2(I+2,J+2) = RR9 3 CONTINUE DO 5 I=I,II22,1 RR10 = C2(I,J) RR11 = C2(I,J+1) RR12 = C2(I,J+2) DO 4 K=II9,II20,1 RR18 = A2(I,K) * B2(K,J) RR10 = RR10 + RR18 RR18 = A2(I,K) * B2(K,J+1) RR11 = RR11 + RR18 RR18 = A2(I,K) * B2(K,J+2) RR12 = RR12 + RR18 4 CONTINUE C2(I,J) = RR10 C2(I,J+1) = RR11 C2(I,J+2) = RR12 5 CONTINUE II25 = II15 + II14 - 3 II26 = II15 + II14 - 1 DO 9 J=J,II28,1 DO 7 I=II15,II25,3 RR13 = C2(I,J) RR14 = C2(I+1,J) RR15 = C2(I+2,J) DO 6 K=II9,II23,1 RR19 = A2(I,K) * B2(K,J) RR13 = RR13 + RR19 RR19 = A2(I+1,K) * B2(K,J) RR14 = RR14 + RR19 RR19 = A2(I+2,K) * B2(K,J) RR15 = RR15 + RR19 6 CONTINUE C2(I,J) = RR13 C2(I+1,J) = RR14 C2(I+2,J) = RR15 7 CONTINUE DO 9 I=I,II26,1 RR16 = C2(I,J) DO 8 K=II9,II24,1 RR16 = RR16 + A2(I,K) * B2(K,J) 8 CONTINUE C2(I,J) = RR16 9 CONTINUE II15 = II15 + II14 II14 = 21 10 CONTINUE II9 = II9 + II8 II8 = 21 11 CONTINUE II3 = II3 + II2 II2 = 21 12 CONTINUE